[Info] Cross breeders

By Retired breeder, 3rd April 2010 20:13:43
Finally a post just for us cross breeders. The purpose of this topic is for cross breeders to have a place to discuss their crossbreeding programs and to share crossbreeding secrets and advice with others who may be interested in giving crossbreeding a try. Feel free to talk about your crossbreeding programs and your achievements and failures in crossbreeding.
Please remember to follow the rules of the forum and be informative and helpful. default smiley :-))


Reminder to all.

Please do not advertise sales or items wanted in this topic. I can turn a blind eye to the covers being offered (as long as they are not blatant advertisements) because we are, after all, trying to help each other progress and there is no filter on public covers for searching for crosses, but items sales and items wanted do not belong in any of the public forums and we have a sales forum for horse sales so please, lets keep our topic clean of the ads.

Thanks everyone


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Thank you


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If anyone has personal issues with another player, or needs something back from another player(items/passes), other than covers/fills-please take it to private pms...anymore posting here will mean an instant forum ban without a warning.

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If any of these things occur, you will be forum banned without prior warning.
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superocelot02 wrote:

I was thinking of making a well rounded horse 'breed' so instead of having a breed that is super good at one skill and having the rest awful they would (theoretically) be good in all of the skills without having one compromise the other. I want to start with the Marwari breed and then add ones to make up for their lacking skills

Definitely possible to make a horse where all 6 skills are fairly equal, though that horse wouldn't necessarily excel in any competition because all of it's skills would be too low compared to horses bred for specific comps.

If I were to start this project I would start with a stallion of the breed I want the horse to appear as, then find a mare whose top 3 skills are the worst 3 skills of the stallion. See how even all 6 skills end up in the foals and go from there. Interesting project! =)
  • Posted messages: 19
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Thank you! I think it'll turn out okay and hopefully the will end up doing fairly well in comps. Probably wont be Prix levels since I'm not a competitive player, but hopefully well enough to do nicely in comps. I'm thinking they may need several breeds infulences
  • Posted messages: 924
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You might be able to target lower level comps depending on how you do your breeds/skills, but I honestly have no experience with making all-round horses. My cross-breeding projects tend to be geared towards rosette winning. I did breed this horse specifically to aim for lower-level cross country comps but he's only a two-way cross. I wish you luck though on your breeding endeavors and would enjoy hearing about how you're progressing!
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CrimsonDax wrote:

You might be able to target lower level comps depending on how you do your breeds/skills, but I honestly have no experience with making all-round horses. My cross-breeding projects tend to be geared towards rosette winning. I did breed this horse specifically to aim for lower-level cross country comps but he's only a two-way cross. I wish you luck though on your breeding endeavors and would enjoy hearing about how you're progressing!

I haven't been back on for all that long what is the cutoff or what are the requirements for lower level comps. I have a few beginning horses that run in them, but no idea what puts them in that category.


  • Posted messages: 19
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VenomVyxen wrote:

I haven't been back on for all that long what is the cutoff or what are the requirements for lower level comps. I have a few beginning horses that run in them, but no idea what puts them in that category.



It's in the Competitions>Disciplines section of the Breeder's Manual.

Or they may have meant low-level, in terms of low difficulty
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 27,861
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Yes, sorry for not clarifying! I meant low difficulty comps. The horse I linked to, for example, I only have trained for dressage and jumping and I enter him in cross country comps despite his skill set not being geared towards that. He enters into fairly low difficulty comps (about 14% difficulty) and has high enough support skills that it’s rare he doesn’t win all his comps.

It’s probably impractical to aim for that with your all-round crosses, but I was just thinking that aiming for lower difficulty comps could be better since you won’t be competing as much with top GP horses. This is entirely me hypothesizing though so feel free to ignore this if it doesn’t work for your project!
  • Posted messages: 829
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Thank you, Legacy Ann! That was exactly what I was needing. And thank you Dax, I use a similar strategy to get my wins for BLUP.

Happy New Year to all!
  • Posted messages: 19
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Hi all! What is the best way to go about finding fellow crossbreeders who are open to selling reserved coverings? I'm working on my Arabian/Appaloosa cross line, getting pretty good results, but would really like a stud to bump things up a little higher than what's available in public coverings right now. Here's the mare I'm working with currently. Feel free to DM me, or if there's a good EC forum thread somewhere that you could share, I'd appreciate it! I feel awkward just messaging people asking about covers if they're not advertising them.
  • Posted messages: 34
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I'm starting on a Friesian+Hackney+TB cross line to mimic the irl breed, the Vlaamperd horse.

If I've got my notes correct:
Friesian: +Dressage +Trot +Stamina /Gallop -Jumping -Speed
Hackney: +Trot +Stamina +Dressage /Speed -Jumping -Gallop
TB: +Gallop +Speed +Dressage /Stamina -Jumping -Trot

So the cross foals should have strong Dressage, Trot, Stamina, with low Jumping and maybe low Stamina + Speed depending on the genetics?

Western Pleasure would suit what probably ends up being the top three skills, but who even knows with how the TB might water those down; I'm using them mostly for GP and historical accuracy. In any case, I'm thinking it's going to be a roll of the dice on what the best comp for the first 20 wins are.

Does anyone with more experience have thoughts/opinions/input? I'm also totally down to collaborate if anyone else is working on a cross like this or wants to start!
  • Posted messages: 34
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sl00n wrote:

I'm starting on a Friesian+Hackney+TB cross line to mimic the irl breed, the Vlaamperd horse.

If I've got my notes correct:
Friesian: +Dressage +Trot +Stamina /Gallop -Jumping -Speed
Hackney: +Trot +Stamina +Dressage /Speed -Jumping -Gallop
TB: +Gallop +Speed +Dressage /Stamina -Jumping -Trot

So the cross foals should have strong Dressage, Trot, Stamina, with low Jumping and maybe low Stamina + Speed depending on the genetics?

Western Pleasure would suit what probably ends up being the top three skills, but who even knows with how the TB might water those down; I'm using them mostly for GP and historical accuracy. In any case, I'm thinking it's going to be a roll of the dice on what the best comp for the first 20 wins are.

Does anyone with more experience have thoughts/opinions/input? I'm also totally down to collaborate if anyone else is working on a cross like this or wants to start!

I think you'd find this thread and really the whole EC forum interesting. Fivinyn784 does a lot of crosses like your project!
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Bumping this up so it doesn't get deleted due to inactivitydefault smiley :)
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 27,861
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thank you @brobean! I definitely browse that forum a lot.

I've been working on aforementioned project for a little while now and have some extra foals, so if anyone else would like to start crossing Vlaamperds as well, feel free to DM me!
  • Posted messages: 34
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Hi! I just started cross-breeding and was wondering what determines what breed a cross - bred foal will be? Will it be the sire's breed or the dam's breed? I have bred 2 foals and both are the sire's breed. I am breeding a male Arabian with 2 different TB mares.
Rose Wilder
  • Posted messages: 1,236
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@Rose wilder

It depends if both the Dam and Sire are 100% purebred then the foal will take the breed of the sire. If the Dam and/or the Sire are crossbred then the foal will take the breed of whatever has the most percentage; for example if the Arabian Sire is 100% purebred Arabian and the Dam is TB with Paint and Arabian in her bloodline the foal will be 25% TB, 25% Paint, and 50% Arabian causing the foal to take the Arabian breed because it has more in its bloodline.

Hope this helps!
  • Posted messages: 924
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superocelot02 wrote:

@Rose wilder

It depends if both the Dam and Sire are 100% purebred then the foal will take the breed of the sire. If the Dam and/or the Sire are crossbred then the foal will take the breed of whatever has the most percentage; for example if the Arabian Sire is 100% purebred Arabian and the Dam is TB with Paint and Arabian in her bloodline the foal will be 25% TB, 25% Paint, and 50% Arabian causing the foal to take the Arabian breed because it has more in its bloodline.

Hope this helps!

TYSM, superocelot!
Rose Wilder
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I don't get this! I just finished breeding a Vanner + KWPN filly. The dam is 50% KWPN and 50% Irish Hunter. The sire is 50% Vanner and 50% Marwari. But I got a Marwari filly! Why is this? Is the breed just chosen randomly?
Rose Wilder
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Rose Wilder
  • Posted messages: 1,236
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Rose Wilder wrote:

I don't get this! I just finished breeding a Vanner + KWPN filly. The dam is 50% KWPN and 50% Irish Hunter. The sire is 50% Vanner and 50% Marwari. But I got a Marwari filly! Why is this? Is the breed just chosen randomly?
When you breed two horses that are 50/50 of different breeds each (so no breeds shared by the parents) the foal takes the sire's second listed breed in the genetics, which was Marwari in this case.

If the parents share the same breeds (such as both parents being 50/50 Vanner/Marwari) the foal takes the dam's last listed breed
Legacy Ann
  • Posted messages: 27,861
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OK, thanks Legacy Ann. It makes a LOT more sense now! I wonder why it's so complicated...
Rose Wilder
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I'm looking for a really fun crossbreeding project that will do well in competitions. Any ideas are welcome.
  • Posted messages: 55
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I'm really enjoying Mustang crosses. I have a QH x Mustang mare and a Paint x Mustang mare that have done extremely well in Western comps and a Paint x Appaloosa x Mustang mare that did well in English Comps.

I really want to look into Criollo crosses, but I'm not sure where to start. Any suggestions?
  • Posted messages: 124
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Criollos are my favorite breed. I'd say as far as crosses go Criollo dominant Vanner crosses are the ones that have done best for me. My one, Vermiculite, won a ton of low level western pleasure and barrel racing comps and even managed to win a couple rosettes. That being said, it really depends on what you want from your crosses if you're going for rosettes, number of wins, placement on the boards etc.
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Anyone know what breeds can make a good XC horse?
Rose Wilder
  • Posted messages: 1,236
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Rose Wilder wrote:

Anyone know what breeds can make a good XC horse?

A couple of years back I had good luck with a 'Teke/Curly X

Desert Dancer
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Rose Wilder
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