[Info] The Retired Coat Gallery

By Retired breeder, 21st April 2009 08:58:18
This thread is here to show off your Retired Coats. This is not the place to post non retired coats. **The two exceptions would be coats that have been pulled (brief discussions) and the pre release coats.


******** absolutely no sales talk, no talk about spares or how many extras of a copy you got and selling them to fund your RC habit this is just a place to talk RCs

* although links and graphics are ok on this thread, they are not allowed normally on public forums

* any negative or unkind comments on artists or coats (or anyone!) will be removed, and depending on the case, it might mean an instant forum ban.

* DO NOT use this as a place to sell your horse/coats-if you feel the need to break this rule, it will mean an instant forum ban...

** Sales ads are NOT allowed in any public forums. Asking for spare coats will now be considered a sales ad. This includes stating that you plan to sell a coat, or point out coats for sale in sales.

* Do not use this place as a spot for rants or complaints-About coats/BG/or each other.

* This is not the place to ask players to price your coats, or to ask others the worth of a coat, you can check uses on your own by hovering your mouse over the gray apple and price it from there.

* This is not the place to bring up the subject of stolen images. Keep in mind that the rules of the BP used to be very different, and many old coats are from that time.
There is not any reason to bring that up, or report the coats.

*Please do not do a coat countdown for soon to retire coats.

* Please do not post coats that are currently in the GA and have either not retired, or will never retire.

* Please do not post coat/bg combos or ask opinions on them, except following coat release.

* Some coats may be removed in the future, whether that be for problems with the coats itself or just because they're clearing room on the server to allow other coats to be uploaded - if you're buying retired coats, please keep that in mind. If you want a permanent copy, I would recommend saving the graphic to your computer

* How to discover who many uses a New GC coat will retire-There is now a coat countdown in the GA, and it will show how many have been used and how many uses there are left.

** There is now a new creations directory which shows all coats. Go to Community>>>Directories>>>Creations>>>Click more criteria, and on the left hand side is a gold and silver apple. Click the silver apple and search to see all retired coats.

* To see who created/how many uses/name/or if you have it already of a RC coat, simply click on the silver apple, and it will tell you.

*** Posting links to other player's coats is NOT allowed and can mean a forum ban.

*#*#*#* If players feel the need break the main topic rules, such as sales ads/coat countdowns/spares-you can expect an instant forum ban without any warning prior to it *#*#*#*
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Obviously my days are running together. I still wish there was a way to organize by retirement date, not date of creation.
Gaited Splendor
  • Posted messages: 299
  • Karma: 10 points
Is anybody else having an issue of not being able to see if you own an RC or not by clicking on the RC icon? I have always been able to see if I own a coat that way. Now this morning it directs me to a different golden apple page and it simply says the coat isn't available. Is this a bug? Anybody else having this issue?
  • Posted messages: 3,035
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It's one of the new things they implemented today default smiley (n) - see the whats new in the game thread
  • Posted messages: 17,007
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I got a couple off my wish list this week default smiley <:o)

Darkeł 94c

Cecil's Spirit 83c
  • Posted messages: 889
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Ohh I love that first one! default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 2,278
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Noooo! That's how I'd find out if I had spares and what their names are. Whoever changed this feature was obviously not thinking of the collectors!! We should make a major stink about this.default smiley (li)

If they WERE thinking of the collector, it was probably to increase the amount of people who will buy VIP subscriptions just to filter the coats they have and don't have. However if you already have VIP, the loss of seeing how many of a coat you have whether it be retired or not is certainly a loss.
Sissy Long Stockings
  • Posted messages: 5,578
  • Karma: 10 points
I used that page to see what coats I had too. The new GA page is NOT collector-useful in any way that I can see. default smiley :(
  • Posted messages: 1,999
  • Karma: 10 points
Yeah I am extremely disappointed in that change!!! It looks like you could search a coat in directoriesto see if you own it and or what horses it is on. blBut you'd have to have the name of the coat which conveniently also doesn't show up on the new GA page. What a joke.
  • Posted messages: 3,035
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The new change will significantly decrease how many coats I buy out of the direct sales. I don't want to buy duplicates and if I can't easily see if I already own a coat I probably will pass it up. Good job Howes default smiley (n)
  • Posted messages: 3,035
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I agree! I sure wish there was a way we could get a direct line to Howrse to beg them to change it back!default smiley :'( Would contact us listen, you think, or would we get an automated reply?
  • Posted messages: 14,394
  • Karma: 10 points

Same. I wish they could change it back.
  • Posted messages: 632
  • Karma: 10 points
I don't like the new changes either! I liked that I was able to at least see the name of the RC before! It was super handy! default smiley (n)default smiley (n)default smiley (n)default smiley (n)
Gaited Splendor
  • Posted messages: 299
  • Karma: 10 points
Now we'll have to go back to having to remember and posting here and hoping someone remembers the name of it. default smiley (n)

I did like that back in the day, but it's asking a lot of work for other players when before you could just click on it and get all the info you needed. default smiley (n)
Gaited Splendor
  • Posted messages: 299
  • Karma: 10 points

Yeah, this is a garbage change. I mean come ON, why are they making things more difficult for people who are actually invested in the game? There is no benefit to this whatsoever, unless their goal is to upset people.
Glory Days
  • Posted messages: 2,207
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Actually, since you are VIP, one of the perks is to filter out coats you don't already own. I've used this feature forever, and it makes life so much easier, as it's really hard to find a coat I don't already have.
Sissy Long Stockings
  • Posted messages: 5,578
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The customization page is a joke. I put some wings on a uni and tired to apple it but no winged unicorns came up. Before I put the medusas blood on, there were several Winged unicorns available. This is so not good. I HATE the new format! Really Howrse, Really?!?!
Sissy Long Stockings
  • Posted messages: 5,578
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Can you imagine what a pain it will be to get the new retired coats when they are released?
Sissy Long Stockings
  • Posted messages: 5,578
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Could this be a glitch? I find it very confusing for Howrse to have "removed" options to put a winged unicorn coat on a winged unicorn, after the unicorn has been given wings. How else are we supposed to give Golden Apples to winged unicorns?
  • Posted messages: 10,478
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This has been weighing on my mind since the change sigh.
  • Posted messages: 14,394
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Not a glitch, just poor programming. Tons of coats are not showing up that I know to exist.
Sissy Long Stockings
  • Posted messages: 5,578
  • Karma: 10 points
Maybe this is just a mean April fools joke. Haha, we messed up your game. Lets watch the complaints come in to see if they are paying attention.
Sissy Long Stockings
  • Posted messages: 5,578
  • Karma: 10 points
I'm agreeing with all of you this is going to be really annoyingdefault smiley :(

Let's hope it really is an overlook on their site, but I'm fearing that done to some of the coats needing to be categorised differently than what they might actually be on, that might be one of the reasons we can no longer see them in the golden Apple selection?

I'm failing to see how that couldn't be programmed because once we leave the horse we clicked on we are taking to the image of the horse and then it simply chooses the most recent usable horse from our own farm´s that we could put the coat on at least in the case of the golden Apple.

I could be fearing for the RC coats they might actually have been removed from the golden Apple selection site and only appearing in directories nowdefault smiley :s

This is all guesswork by the way I don't know anything.
  • Posted messages: 1,654
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I would love to use that perk. But I already have my top perks picked and I literally just got rid of that one because I needed the other perks more and it wasn't that hard to just click on the RC. Now in order to change back I'd have to pay for another month up front or wait a month to change it back.
  • Posted messages: 3,035
  • Karma: 10 points
Oh I see.

Well, the problem where I couldn't coat my unicorn pony was fixed. Still hate the system. I'm not a big one for change.
Sissy Long Stockings
  • Posted messages: 5,578
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Thanks for trying to help! I wish it was an automatic perk and not one that you have to choose. There are a lot of other really nice perks. I guess I'll jusf have to figure out what's more important to my game. And I agree. This is all a very big change!
  • Posted messages: 3,035
  • Karma: 10 points
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