[Updated] Player held contest rules

Player Contest Rules Clarification

We’ve received feedback from Moderators and the communities on multiple Howrse games requesting clarification of the rules for player hosted contests and giveaways, specifically with offering horses as prizes.

Addendum: We've reviewed the rule about offering horses as prizes and have decided to allow you to offer a horse as a prize again.

Current rules

We allow players to host contests and giveaways according to the following rules:

  • You cannot require entrance fees or donations

  • You can give in-game prizes (Only those which can be done via the gifting options already within the game)

  • You cannot give Equus or passes as prizes

  • You do not have to give prizes

  • Your contest can only be posted on your presentation page or in your EC forum.

Review of rules

Some players want to offer horses as prizes and would like to know if this is allowed. We reviewed contests held on each version, and we identified the following:

On some versions, it has not been allowed for horses to be used as prizes; since the game does not include a tool for gifting horses. Selling a horse to a player costs them a fee to gain their prize. This falls within the Item and Pass Trafficking rules that are not allowed.

As a compromise, we will allow players to offer horses as prizes so long as the cost of the horse is the minimum amount that can be set - 500e. Since this is also considered a private agreement between players, we will not support these transactions. Contests are entered at your own risk and it is up to the contest holders to deliver the promised prizes.

In addition to the contest rules mentioned above, we have added the following:

- You can offer a horse as a prize provided the cost does not exceed 500 Equus.
- The horse offered as a prize can have Black Market items.
- Contest holders can ask but not require that participants re-post their contest banners.

Players who do not follow the rules are exposed to sanctions. For any questions, we encourage you to ask us directly via "Contact Us."

Last Updated: January 31, 2024

The Howrse Team
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why are horses no longer allowed, they're the main thing you can give away default smiley (8)
・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・
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・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・ wrote:

why are horses no longer allowed, they're the main thing you can give away default smiley (8)

The crossed out part above is an old change and we haven't been able to sell horses as prizes for at least a year (probably longer) as that would mean the entrant had paid a fee to get their prize. The topic has been renewed as some of the coding used by the admin who previously made the post was unsupported and had made the topic unreadable. Our new Ow is just reposting the information clealy so that everyone can be sure of what is and is not allowed but the "giving away" of horses has not been allowed for a long time.
  • Posted messages: 37,258
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yeah i haven't been all that active so i didn't know, still not great though... now if you want to quit the game you'll just have to throw all the horses away with it i guess... default smiley :s
・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・
  • Posted messages: 2,506
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There's a simple solution to this, really. CREATE a mechanism that allows horses to be given for free. The groundwork for this already exists, with the team loaning feature, as well as the feature that allows the Love divines to be given away during the month of February. Myself and quite a few others have been asking for such a feature for a couple of years, ever since Howrse rescinded the compromise that allowed horses to be given as prizes.

This feature could be limited, like the gifts or item exchanges are (only 3 horses can be given per week, or something like that). (Or it doesn't have to be limited - I would prefer it if it's not, but having it be limited seems like something Howrse would do. Honestly, I would simply be happy with the option of being allowed to give horses away again.)

PLEASE give us a feature to gift horses to others! We need that more than we need a notification system, or updates to BMI pages, or whatever else Howrse has planned.
  • Posted messages: 14,876
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Goat_Girl wrote:

There's a simple solution to this, really. CREATE a mechanism that allows horses to be given for free. The groundwork for this already exists, with the team loaning feature, as well as the feature that allows the Love divines to be given away during the month of February. Myself and quite a few others have been asking for such a feature for a couple of years, ever since Howrse rescinded the compromise that allowed horses to be given as prizes.

This feature could be limited, like the gifts or item exchanges are (only 3 horses can be given per week, or something like that). (Or it doesn't have to be limited - I would prefer it if it's not, but having it be limited seems like something Howrse would do. Honestly, I would simply be happy with the option of being allowed to give horses away again.)

PLEASE give us a feature to gift horses to others! We need that more than we need a notification system, or updates to BMI pages, or whatever else Howrse has planned.

I agree with Goat_Girl. I would also like to add that, while this rule has been established regarding contests, horses are still being reserved to other players for 500e. Whether it be because the owner is quitting, the owner is simply wanting to help out, etc., reserving a horse to another player for 500e is still a thing. If that's allowed, I can't help but think creating a gifting mechanism would be a simple procedure for Howrse to undertake, especially if the majority of the players are voicing their opinions about this *cough* ridiculous rule.

I digress.
  • Posted messages: 10,478
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Hmm, how about instead, saying anyone who would like to BUY a horse for 500e comment below...and you will choose someone to sell the horse to.
  • Posted messages: 19,798
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lovetopaint wrote:

Hmm, how about instead, saying anyone who would like to BUY a horse for 500e comment below...and you will choose someone to sell the horse to.

You could twist your words around to say you're selling a horse to another player for 500e, which is why I mentioned above that horses are being sold to other people for 500e anyway. So, in order to make things easier, or "legal", Howrse can simply add a simple feature that allows you to gift horses, like Goat_Girl suggested.
  • Posted messages: 10,478
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soᴘʜɪᴀ wrote:

You could twist your words around to say you're selling a horse to another player for 500e, which is why I mentioned above that horses are being sold to other people for 500e anyway. So, in order to make things easier, or "legal", Howrse can simply add a simple feature that allows you to gift horses, like Goat_Girl suggested.
I should have added a winky face emoji or something. I agree it would be easier if Howrse did that, but since they haven't, this is a good way to do something similar.
  • Posted messages: 19,798
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By Retired breeder, 3rd August 2020 15:15:56
Like many, I think being able to gift horses would be great. One of my friends in reality has an account and I want to be able to give her horses
lovetopaint, agreed. I wonder if Howrse realizes we're finding a way around this rule.
default smiley xd
All the more reason to add a gifting feature!
  • Posted messages: 10,478
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soᴘʜɪᴀ wrote:

lovetopaint, agreed. I wonder if Howrse realizes we're finding a way around this rule.
default smiley xd
All the more reason to add a gifting feature!
Well, we are doing something ENTIRELY within their rule system. They allow horses to be sold for 500e. We are selling them for 500e. But there is so much interest, not everyone can get one.
  • Posted messages: 19,798
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The odd thing was that Howrse never gave a concrete answer as to why they rescinded the compromise and made offering horses as prizes against the rules. They claimed that it was because there was no mechanism to give a horse for free, but the thing is, most people are more than happy to pay 500 equus to receive a horse as a prize, especially if the horse is special in some way and is worth much more than that. Furthermore, people offering horses as prizes did not covet this 500 equus "fee" in anyway. We would have been more than happy to give the horses away at no cost if Howrse allowed this. Further, the Howrse team claimed that people were complaining, but I hosted many horse giveaways back when it was allowed and never saw an issue. I also entered many contests and giveaways and never saw anybody complaining. They also said they were trying to make all the servers uniform, but the servers have differences that go beyond contest prizes (some servers have different breeds, no EC forums, and less of the older divines) (and even so, if uniformity was the goal, why not allow horses as prizes on the other servers?).

Overall, this rule change struck me as exceptionally unfair and unnecessary back when it was implemented. I have never seen the Howrse community agree on something as universally as they agreed on this - even people who didn't participate or host horse giveaways at all felt it was unfair.
  • Posted messages: 14,876
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If theres no mechanism to gift a horse why cant you make one? We can donate a horse to ow and to the sh so something like that.. and how much a horse is worth is up to the person selling it thats why the price can be edited so whyd people get in trouble for selling a horse thats “underpriced?” is there even a chart that says how much you should place it up for sale for then? Everythings expensive now and the money u spend doesnt even all go to the seller anymore so
  • Posted messages: 1,101
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Anybody who thinks this rule is unfair or who wants an option to give away/receive horses for free needs to go to Contact Us and let the Howrse team know. Many times, it seems Howrse waits until an issue dies down and then they get their way with it, as players get used to the new "normal." Let's not let this issue die down! You used to be able to have horses as giveaway prizes and I won't be happy until we have that option again! default smiley :p

I have written to Contact Us 6 times about this issue since the compromise was rescinded in April 2018. In my last message (June 2019), they even said "Feel free to contact us again with any unrelated matter you'd like assistance with!" The fact they specified it needed to be an unrelated matter made me think they were tired of hearing from me default smiley xd

Still, it's been over a year since my last message. I didn't realize that much time had passed! I think I'll take my own advice and send another message to Contact Us requesting some compromise to allow horses as prizes in player-held giveaways.
  • Posted messages: 14,876
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I agree it is kind of a stupid rule,Ill actually send something to contact us. It doesnt matter to me either way as I mostly participate in BMI giveaways,but I do love the occasional horse!
  • Posted messages: 12,196
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Back when it was allowed, I saw unicorns, GA horses/unis, donkeys, high GP horses, negative GP horses, and even the occasional divine all offered as prizes in player-hosted contests/giveaways. Many unicorns in my collection were actually the result of gifts or contest prizes. I think it's important for players to have the option of gifting horses, and it would open up a wider pool of prizes for people who wanted to participate in a player-hosted contest or giveaway!

And Howrse can't say it's without precedent - Howrse has gifted many horses to players in contests held right here in the Events forum. In fact, when one of the Admins was leaving (in 2018 I believe), I think it was a Wild Horse from the Admin's own account that was offered as a prize. Somehow this horse was able to change accounts permanently without any equus or passes being exchanged - that proves it's possible, if nothing else!
  • Posted messages: 14,876
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I just sent in my message! Here it is below:
Click to display


With the addition of some new members to the Howrse team, and the re-opening of the Player-Hosted Contest Rules topic in the Events forum, I was hoping we could readdress the issue of having horses as prizes in player-hosted contests and giveaways.

I know many people who enjoyed giving away horses when it was allowed, myself included, and we would love to be allowed to again. I believe there are two options we could pursue in order to make this happen.

First, it may be easiest to simply reinstate the compromise that allowed players to offer horses as prizes with the minimum price of 500 equus, with the understanding that any participants or winners are in no way obligated to purchase the horse, but can do so if they choose. From my own experience, most players are happy to purchase a horse for the minimum amount, especially if it's special in some way and worth much more.

However, I understand the issue that the Howrse team has taken with this is that the horse is not being "given" away as there is still the 500 equus price. Therefore, I believe the second option would be to create a way to give horses away at no cost, perhaps through a modified version of the reserved sales. Then, when no cost is being associated with the horse, it could be offered as a giveaway prize.

I hope you will consider one of these options, or perhaps a third compromise not listed if it would allow horses and unicorns to be giveaway prizes again.

Thank you for your time.

  • Posted messages: 14,876
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That looks great! I think if they did it like the Item Exchange,that would be good. Like when you go into your reserved sales have the give away horse at the top with the button to accept the free gift
  • Posted messages: 12,196
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jsniper wrote:

That looks great! I think if they did it like the Item Exchange,that would be good. Like when you go into your reserved sales have the give away horse at the top with the button to accept the free gift

That would be perfect! Exactly what I was thinking about. default smiley :-))

I hope Howrse agrees! It seems like an easy enough thing to do, and it would certainly make a lot of players very happy.
  • Posted messages: 14,876
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jsniper wrote:

That looks great! I think if they did it like the Item Exchange,that would be good. Like when you go into your reserved sales have the give away horse at the top with the button to accept the free gift

I think that would work, too. At this point, I'm honestly fine with whatever as long as it allows you to gift horses, haha.
default smiley xd
  • Posted messages: 10,478
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The gift a horse option would be such a simple but needed tool to be honest. Howrse keeps talking about community and players helping players but then won't offer something that simple...
・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・
  • Posted messages: 2,506
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But since you are just giving away horses,would they limit the amount you can giveaway? I know for a fact 3 Item Exchanges a week is frustrating..I hope if they implement a limit they give a max of 6 for non VIP or Pegasus accounters,8 for Peg accounts,and 10 for VIP...that sound right?
  • Posted messages: 12,196
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Goat_Girl wrote:

The odd thing was that Howrse never gave a concrete answer as to why they rescinded the compromise and made offering horses as prizes against the rules.

I believe they actually did give a reason. Players would say they were giving away horses, when in reality they were selling them for 500e, and therefore it was dishonest. It's a nuance, but still a valid reason.
The Fifth Queen
  • Posted messages: 15,109
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・ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴜɴɪᴄᴏʀɴ・ wrote:

The gift a horse option would be such a simple but needed tool to be honest. Howrse keeps talking about community and players helping players but then won't offer something that simple...

It is very easy to sell a unicorn or any other horse for 500e to a player you think is deserving of it. Just do it. No need to disguise it in a 'contest' or 'giveaway'.
  • Posted messages: 25,470
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The Fifth Queen wrote:

I believe they actually did give a reason. Players would say they were giving away horses, when in reality they were selling them for 500e, and therefore it was dishonest. It's a nuance, but still a valid reason.

But then Howrse wouldn't even allow us to say "Winner gets a unicorn for 500 equus" or anything along those lines. I never tried to disguise the fact that the horse had to be sold for a minimum price. Nobody that I saw ever complained. It was an unnecessary rule.
  • Posted messages: 14,876
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