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Cʜoso wrote:

Lancelot is about 4200p, luckly I didnt have to fill the meter.
odd though that lancelot is cheaper than Uchchaishravas when the iris coat isnt as sought after as harmony packs. And it takes less time to get the harmony pack than the iris.

But you need 11 Grails to take full advantage of it, so it's an investment of ELEVEN Divines for one prize. It stands to reason that it would cost you less than the Faithful 33-day dropper. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,925
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Remember everyone to

- Use your Isis Special cover if you haven't already.

- It's the start of Fall! If you have Pass Seeds, now it's time to plant them!

Take care default smiley (l)
  • Posted messages: 16,925
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Is the next event on the 28th? Seems so far away haha
  • Posted messages: 85
  • Karma: 10 points
UPDATE about the upcoming event:

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The gift has been changed for Red Giant, the prize is now an Unlimited Helios Ray, and the gauge needs 150 points to complete.
  • Posted messages: 807
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Pretty sure the event should start this Thursday, not the 28th. (Not sure what the event is, though…)
  • Posted messages: 180
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Oooooh now THATS a divine worth getting!
  • Posted messages: 180
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xJalpieex2 wrote:

Is the next event on the 28th? Seems so far away haha

That's the Next Next.

The next one will start on Thursday indeed! default smiley ^)
  • Posted messages: 16,925
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Oʙʟɪᴠɪoɴ wrote:

UPDATE about the upcoming event:

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The gift has been changed for Red Giant, the prize is now an Unlimited Helios Ray, and the gauge needs 150 points to complete.

Ugh spoiler tabs aren't working on my new laptop; please don't smite me mods. So, wait it's not the new thing I'll be super vague about that was shown in the original French screenshot?
  • Posted messages: 352
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Cybertron wrote:

So, wait it's not the new thing I'll be super vague about that was shown in the original French screenshot?

They changed it due to feedback default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 16,925
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aw man! I was looking forward to what it was. Didn't snag a test slot in time but even from the translation it sounded amazing.
  • Posted messages: 352
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Oʙʟɪᴠɪoɴ wrote:

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The gift has been changed for Red Giant, the prize is now an Unlimited Helios Ray, and the gauge needs 150 points to complete.

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I know that foundation horses are not for everyone, but those of us that collect them and/or have NiB projects, have two divines to our name, so seeing the first divine in years that would have helped our games is disappointing.

Competitive players and those that collect coats likely take up a good chunk of the players, but we just had a divine that gives a P Stone and one that gives a Nyx Pack, so why couldn't the more relaxed players get something to benefit their game? This doesn't even count the fact that the next divine is also more aimed at competitive players. Plus, we've recently had several divines that give some kind of coat item.

I know it might seem like an overreaction, but this was literally the first divine in a very long time that I was excited about, especially after how long it took me to get a certain pair for a project I wish to start soon.
  • Posted messages: 10,618
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Not sure how to reply directly on mobile, but thank you Nalu! I guess I missed that posting on this thread, but it’s great to hear haha. default smiley :)
  • Posted messages: 85
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default smiley (d)
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I cannot even begin to say how disappointed I am that they changed Red Giant's prize - I had not been so excited about anything on Howrse for years. I am gutted
  • Posted messages: 3,199
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I’m so excited for the next event it looks so cool! It starts this Thursday right? Also it’s the
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Card event right? And is the new divine in the same category as supernova? Also why did they change the prize? Not that I can’t use it’s current prize but the ig one was pretty cool

I just gotta remember to prep this time default smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 1,033
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Do you reckon we can revolt and have it changed back, or is it too late given he arrives on Thursday?
  • Posted messages: 1,638
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reveluvlyz wrote:

I’m so excited for the next event it looks so cool! It starts this Thursday right? Also it’s the
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Card event right? And is the new divine in the same category as supernova? Also why did they change the prize? Not that I can’t use it’s current prize but the ig one was pretty cool

I just gotta remember to prep this time default smiley (8)

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No it’s the rider’s store next. And the Divine coming with that event is Smoke the next fire divine.
  • Posted messages: 13,135
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Adalena wrote:

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Do you reckon we can revolt and have it changed back, or is it too late given he arrives on Thursday?

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He is not the one coming with the next event on Thursday. It’s going to be Smoke.
  • Posted messages: 13,135
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Adalena wrote:

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Do you reckon we can revolt and have it changed back, or is it too late given he arrives on Thursday?

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He is the event after next default smiley (y) The reason they changed the prize was because of the feedback received on the test server which was mostly negative, so I doubt it will be changed back as they get player feedback from the test server and the general consensus amongst most testers (including myself, admittedly...) was that the prize was a disappointment compared to Supernova.

I don't think it would have been that bad except they're starting a little trend of making the first divine in each series good, and getting the hype up, and the next divine is completely disappointing in comparison. The foundie stone idea was inventive and unique, but I think they should have saved the foundie stone for another one in the series, going from Supernova from that was a bit of a steep drop off a very tall cliff.
  • Posted messages: 12,358
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My issue is that the last foundation based divine was released six years ago, that's a very long time to wait for a new divine that would benefit one side of the community. It just really hurts to learn that a new one is finally going to be added, just for it to be changed for one reason or another.

Again, I understand that the foundation side of the community is likely small in number, but we are here, and we enjoy what we do with our games. It just feels unfair that the competitive players, coat collectors, companion collectors, and pass collectors are catered to constantly, yet our small part of the community barely gets anything that would actually benefit us. I'm saying this as someone that is either a part of this or has been a part of this.

I really do hope that them changing it is just them deciding to move the item to a different divine, not them deciding to never try to do anything like it again.
  • Posted messages: 10,618
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Thank you @jsniper! I’m still pretty hyped for it I just gotta prep different default smiley (lol)
  • Posted messages: 1,033
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Thank you for the correction.

Fair enough.
  • Posted messages: 1,638
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It's Tuesday Spoilday!

For those who have Instagram, this is my regular begging for eventual Information, since I don't have social media default smiley :p
  • Posted messages: 16,925
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Oathkeeper wrote:

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I really do hope that them changing it is just them deciding to move the item to a different divine, not them deciding to never try to do anything like it again.

I hope so too
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For a long time now I have been wishing they would give us a way to choose what foal we get from our foundie givers; this would have been the next best thing...
  • Posted messages: 3,199
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Next set for Ascent is:

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Alice in Wonderland
Morgana (rehash)

For those who are curious,
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- Kigurumi is the (as of right now) best TC dropper in the game with a solid 55-60 days drop-rate
- Alice in Wonderland has a discreet ratio of a drop every 20-25 days, which translates to an awful 70 days cycle for the full prize
- Morgana is a Grail horse
- Hipparion rewards you with a Foundation horse every 34 days IF and only IF you have a missing coat or breed in your collection. If you have them all, you get nothing.
  • Posted messages: 16,925
  • Karma: 10 points
Nalu93 wrote:

It's Tuesday Spoilday!

For those who have Instagram, this is my regular begging for eventual Information, since I don't have social media

Instagram and all Meta sites are currently completely down when I went to check default smiley :$
  • Posted messages: 12,358
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