[FT] Spoiler Zone!


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Horses of Angel wrote:

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[img] http://gaia.equideow.com/media/equideo/image/chevaux/divin/300x300/adulte/onyx.jpg [/img] Onyx

This is officially my new favorite gemstone divine. I would absolutely love one....
Ah, well. Maybe this will be the time when I actually get the divine? lol
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As you mind remember, a few months ago, we asked what new features you would like for the equestrian centers.
Our plan is to refresh that part of the game. Indeed, we haven’t launched any new features for the equestrian centers in ages. And they really need it now!
So here are a few new features or improvements that we want to launch in the following months.

Refreshing of the equestrian center pages
Many among you asked for it, we will review the interfaces of some pages of the equestrian centers, such as the page where you manage your boxes, or the one where you manage your meadows. Looking after your equestrian center will become much more practical!

Removal of the jobs
Hiring employees for your equestrian center may be a difficult task for you; there are often more job offers than players who are searching for a job. Employees and particularly temporary employees can also be too expensive for beginner equestrian centers which don’t have large fertile meadows to grow crops yet. Moreover, having a job isn’t very interesting; you can earn much more Equus with your horses than with your job. So we have decided to delete the jobs. However, equestrian centers will continue to have the possibility to provide the horseshoes bonus, or saddle and bridle for their boarders by making or buying them and installing them in a box, just like for showers.

Beach, forest and mountain
Then we will add locations for the equestrian centers. That means you will be able to install your center either near a forest, a beach, or even on a mountain.
The presence of such locations will allow us improving the rides, which are currently very tedious for you. There will be only 3 types of rides, instead of the current 7: rides in forest, rides in mountain, and rides on beach. Yes, you won’t have to do a lot of short rides in a day to develop your horses’ speed skills anymore! One lengthy ride a day will be enough.
And thanks to forests, we will probably launch draught horses on the game in order to unload wood! We know you have been asking for them for a long time.

A new economic system
Forests and mountains will also offer another benefit; they will provide you with raw materials, in order to craft items or produce by yourself, instead of having to buy them. For example, you will have to get wood from the forest with your horses. And thanks to that wood you will create wood chip bedding or boxes.
Indeed, all the items that are available at the stores will be only created by players. And the price of these items will depend on the quantities you will sell and buy. So this economic system will be totally independent from us. There will be more interactions between you, players. This should make the game more strategic.
In order to launch such a system, we will have to realize some changes on the items we currently have on the game. For example, barley will be deleted, whereas wood will be added, as said above. But you will discover more details about all the items and the production lines in our next publication.

Merge of the reserves
As some items or produces can be used either for the equestrian center or for the breeders’ account, we have decided to merge your equestrian center inventory and Equus reserve with your breeding account ones. Thanks to that, you won’t have to buy some items on one side, and sell the same items on the other anymore. For example, to make manure for your crops, you will be able to directly use the droppings from your horses.

More interactions with the equestrian center in horses’ actions
We also want to make the equestrian center a more important part of the game. So we have decided to link more horses’ actions with them.
The best equestrian centers will enable your horses to get more energy or moral when they are fed, watered or groomed. Or they will allow you to do rides faster according to their location.
We are also thinking about merging the feeding action and the meadow, as they both feed the horses.
Riding lessons will be replaced by different missions offered by the equestrian center where your horses are boarded. And the reward for the missions can be different according to the mission chosen (Equus, wood, treats, or other things…). Of course any mission will increase your horses’ skills in their two best potentials, the same way as the lessons do.
We will give you more details about all the changes in horses’ actions in our next article. So keep an eye on this blog!

More secret market items
With all these new features, we will be able to add more secret market items. And maybe, we will offer some of them during our future contests.

VIP perks
With the introduction of the VIP account, we didn’t introduce advantages for the equestrian centers. The reason is that we didn’t want to offer you some advantages which will become obsolete when the equestrian centers will be updated. When all these changes we have in mind are launched, we promise to add some VIP perks for equestrian centers.

This is only the rough outlines for these new features. We will give you more details about them later. But we already wanted you to know that we have heard your wishes for equestrian centers even though we didn’t give you news about it until now, and that we are working on it.
Also note that these features are just ideas for now, and they can be adapted if necessary. So feel free to leave your comments and suggestions about them in the Event forum of the version you play and even give us new ideas that we haven’t thought about yet. Thank you.
native american 21
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By Retired breeder, 13th February 2014 18:22:45
Horses of Angel wrote:

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[img] http://gaia.equideow.com/media/equideo/image/chevaux/divin/300x300/adulte/onyx.jpg [/img] Onyx

Oh dear... I'm going to save some passes!!!

native american 21 wrote:

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As you mind remember, a few months ago, we asked what new features you would like for the equestrian centers.
Our plan is to refresh that part of the game. Indeed, we haven’t launched any new features for the equestrian centers in ages. And they really need it now!
So here are a few new features or improvements that we want to launch in the following months.

Refreshing of the equestrian center pages
Many among you asked for it, we will review the interfaces of some pages of the equestrian centers, such as the page where you manage your boxes, or the one where you manage your meadows. Looking after your equestrian center will become much more practical!

Removal of the jobs
Hiring employees for your equestrian center may be a difficult task for you; there are often more job offers than players who are searching for a job. Employees and particularly temporary employees can also be too expensive for beginner equestrian centers which don’t have large fertile meadows to grow crops yet. Moreover, having a job isn’t very interesting; you can earn much more Equus with your horses than with your job. So we have decided to delete the jobs. However, equestrian centers will continue to have the possibility to provide the horseshoes bonus, or saddle and bridle for their boarders by making or buying them and installing them in a box, just like for showers.

Beach, forest and mountain
Then we will add locations for the equestrian centers. That means you will be able to install your center either near a forest, a beach, or even on a mountain.
The presence of such locations will allow us improving the rides, which are currently very tedious for you. There will be only 3 types of rides, instead of the current 7: rides in forest, rides in mountain, and rides on beach. Yes, you won’t have to do a lot of short rides in a day to develop your horses’ speed skills anymore! One lengthy ride a day will be enough.
And thanks to forests, we will probably launch draught horses on the game in order to unload wood! We know you have been asking for them for a long time.

A new economic system
Forests and mountains will also offer another benefit; they will provide you with raw materials, in order to craft items or produce by yourself, instead of having to buy them. For example, you will have to get wood from the forest with your horses. And thanks to that wood you will create wood chip bedding or boxes.
Indeed, all the items that are available at the stores will be only created by players. And the price of these items will depend on the quantities you will sell and buy. So this economic system will be totally independent from us. There will be more interactions between you, players. This should make the game more strategic.
In order to launch such a system, we will have to realize some changes on the items we currently have on the game. For example, barley will be deleted, whereas wood will be added, as said above. But you will discover more details about all the items and the production lines in our next publication.

Merge of the reserves
As some items or produces can be used either for the equestrian center or for the breeders’ account, we have decided to merge your equestrian center inventory and Equus reserve with your breeding account ones. Thanks to that, you won’t have to buy some items on one side, and sell the same items on the other anymore. For example, to make manure for your crops, you will be able to directly use the droppings from your horses.

More interactions with the equestrian center in horses’ actions
We also want to make the equestrian center a more important part of the game. So we have decided to link more horses’ actions with them.
The best equestrian centers will enable your horses to get more energy or moral when they are fed, watered or groomed. Or they will allow you to do rides faster according to their location.
We are also thinking about merging the feeding action and the meadow, as they both feed the horses.
Riding lessons will be replaced by different missions offered by the equestrian center where your horses are boarded. And the reward for the missions can be different according to the mission chosen (Equus, wood, treats, or other things…). Of course any mission will increase your horses’ skills in their two best potentials, the same way as the lessons do.
We will give you more details about all the changes in horses’ actions in our next article. So keep an eye on this blog!

More secret market items
With all these new features, we will be able to add more secret market items. And maybe, we will offer some of them during our future contests.

VIP perks
With the introduction of the VIP account, we didn’t introduce advantages for the equestrian centers. The reason is that we didn’t want to offer you some advantages which will become obsolete when the equestrian centers will be updated. When all these changes we have in mind are launched, we promise to add some VIP perks for equestrian centers.

This is only the rough outlines for these new features. We will give you more details about them later. But we already wanted you to know that we have heard your wishes for equestrian centers even though we didn’t give you news about it until now, and that we are working on it.
Also note that these features are just ideas for now, and they can be adapted if necessary. So feel free to leave your comments and suggestions about them in the Event forum of the version you play and even give us new ideas that we haven’t thought about yet. Thank you.

Oh my gosh, if this is real I will not be able to wait! default smiley *-)
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мσяѕ σвѕ¢υяα wrote:

cause mine wasn't good enough....anyways

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4 New wilds


Thank you for sharing,

Love the new shading technique the Howrse Artist's are doing... much more realistic.

Hopefully at least one of these will be available through the direct sales... :3
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I hope too Stary. I default smiley (l) the 4th Wild.
Miss Fortune
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By Retired breeder, 13th February 2014 18:49:02
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Hello this is the first time I have made a spoiler
By Retired breeder, 13th February 2014 18:51:47
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I have no clue where you are getting info from, so I have nothing to post. default smiley xd
By Retired breeder, 13th February 2014 18:52:08
Oops, did a } instead of ] default smiley :s
By Retired breeder, 13th February 2014 18:52:28
Click to display
I have no clue where you are getting info from, so I have nothing to post.
Retired breeder wrote:

Oops, did a } instead of ] default smiley :s
I gave you a little help !
Raf's Mum
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What's this test site thing everyone is talking about? default smiley (o)
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By Retired breeder, 13th February 2014 18:55:23
Raf's Mum wrote:

I gave you a little help !

Thank you default smiley :)
By Retired breeder, 13th February 2014 18:58:11
Horses of Angel wrote:

Click to display
[img] http://gaia.equideow.com/media/equideo/image/chevaux/divin/300x300/adulte/onyx.jpg [/img] Onyx

I must confess that this is beyond cool!
skittlesgirl4 wrote:

What's this test site thing everyone is talking about? default smiley (o)

It is an invitation site - a mirror to this one - where new ideas and promotions are tested
Raf's Mum
  • Posted messages: 123,015
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By Retired breeder, 13th February 2014 19:01:52
Horses of Angel wrote:

Click to display
[img] http://gaia.equideow.com/media/equideo/image/chevaux/divin/300x300/adulte/onyx.jpg [/img] Onyx

Click to display
So awesome! I think is looks very beautiful and modern. My fave gemstone Divine if released default smiley (l)Onyxdefault smiley (l)
By Retired breeder, 13th February 2014 19:05:02
Click to display
Found this on the test site! The tacks displayed on your horses
The cherry on the cake is that all the tacks of your horses will be displayed directly on your horses’ picture, as during the horse parade contest last summer if you remember.
Imagine realistic horses, wearing customizable tacks and evolving in a wide beautiful landscape! You will almost have the feeling they are alive.
Of course we can’t display tacks in some horses which have a special coat (such as divine horses or horses with a Golden Apple coat for example). But we are working on a solution to highlight tacks on these horses even so.
Does anyone know the names of the breeds of the new wilds?
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I found them on the first page. thanks anyway!
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By Retired breeder, 13th February 2014 19:28:25
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Does anyone know what things you usually get in treasure chests?
  • Posted messages: 7,041
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Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone know what things you usually get in treasure chests?

Passes, Equus, divines, bigger BMI. default smiley ;)
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By Retired breeder, 13th February 2014 19:38:06
@Rafs Mum

That was sweetdefault smiley ^)
By Retired breeder, 13th February 2014 19:53:11
Onyx is so hot. Sweet!!! default smiley (7) I love the new divine.
By Retired breeder, 13th February 2014 19:54:34
Thank you skittles girl!
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