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I love the vip perk of the new divine default smiley *-)

And Shorah: if I read the translated description right, this divine will not have the same skills for everyone when being given out. default smiley :)
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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 17:47:30
Retired breeder wrote:

Can someone explain Summer rides to me? If you can't thanks anyway. default smiley 8-)

Check page 1256!
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 17:48:56
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."There is legendary tack to be won,"
How exactly do we win the legendary tack? And are there different sets for each divine horse? Also, how many pieces are there to be won for each set?
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 17:50:17
Regarding the new divine(?)

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The French text sounded to me that this will literally be a case of normal horse transforming into the legendary horse, not like Croesus. Once the normal horse gets Altair' equipment, its skills will be doubled, and it will lose its ability to breed and access to the Grand Prix.
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 19:09:58
I cant wait to see the
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Summer ride!!!
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 19:43:02
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Does anyone know if it's possible to win any of the legendary horses without using passes?
Retired breeder wrote:

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Does anyone know if it's possible to win any of the legendary horses without using passes?

We do not know, but it is high unlikely, due to the fact that you will have to

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but Golden Fleeces to obtain 5 of the legendary tack items. You may beable to win them all in the festivities, but we do not know any info on that yet. Still, highly unlikely that you will wont have to lift a single pass though.
j7t85jf84 hfgb3
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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 19:51:18
What is the new divine?
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 19:51:51
Also, a picture please?
By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 19:55:18
Retired breeder wrote:

I cant wait to see the
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Summer ride!!!

I'm not looking forward to this event at all cuase I get crappie prizes
Spyder wrote:

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Spyder wrote:

More images.

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Just bringing to the frontdefault smiley ;)
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is Preprod currently open?
  • Posted messages: 11,956
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By Retired breeder, 26th June 2015 21:06:25
Does anyone know when the S.R. will be coming out?
I'm a VIP now ^-^

About prepod, and the banner that shows up on the home page for VIPs and such, how long is it usually there for? And when can we expect it to show up considering the news about the upcoming promo after the SR?
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panthera wrote:

I'm a VIP now ^-^

About prepod, and the banner that shows up on the home page for VIPs and such, how long is it usually there for? And when can we expect it to show up considering the news about the upcoming promo after the SR?

I believe it's a set number of people allowed in so it's up until they've run out of spots :P
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Retired breeder wrote:

Does anyone know when the S.R. will be coming out?

Surely its coming out on Monday 29th default smiley :p
♥ LeondreIsBae ♥
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♥ LeondreIsBae ♥ wrote:

Surely its coming out on Monday 29th

gosh I hope not! Im running out of cash/ ways to avoid my mum catching on to the fact that my phone Bill is way higher than it should be!! default smiley (8)
  • Posted messages: 9,573
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Another set that I kinda adore. At least it's in GC format. Shouldn't be as painful.

Any news on what the heck Secret Rainbow is going to do?
  • Posted messages: 1,170
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Aoife wrote:

Any news on what the heck Secret Rainbow is going to do?

I'm wondering that as well...

I've got 5//6 released rainbow divines...

Shiny Yellow is who I'm missing...
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Another set of pics
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Saddle Cloth-

Ear Bonnet-

Polo Wraps-

Also from the US server. Super exciting news about Secret Rainbow
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Secret Rainbow is one of the horses of the rainbow sky.
Thanks to him, every first Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the month, gains diamond horses of the rainbow sky you own are doubled.
You will gain Secret Rainbow when you got all the other horses of the rainbow sky.
This horse can be sold.
  • Posted messages: 1,170
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ShorahNagi wrote:

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You'll do objectives to earn tack/win tack from other means (ex. the Golden Fleece). This tack can then be given to a Horse on your account. Once all 5 pieces of the Legendary tack are given to that horse - the horse will 'Transform' into the new Divine Altair.

By Transform - I feel it will be the same as the Junior Croesus. The horse you gave the tack to will be deleted entirely from the game - and in its place you'll receive a foundation Altair that has the items/skills of the Divine and not those of the horse you replaced.

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how does this correspond to the legendary star? Are those the 5 pieces of tack or something else entirely?

The quote "There is legendary tack to be won, and once you have a full set (5, legendary saddle, bridle, saddle cloth, polo wraps and bonnet) you can give them to one of your own horses and trandform it into the legendary horse. The skills the horse has will then double. you'll also get one piece of the legendary star." from Spider's post suggests that they are different, but it makes sense that each piece of the star is one type of tack...

does anyone understand the correlation?
  • Posted messages: 7,883
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Aoife wrote:

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Secret Rainbow is one of the horses of the rainbow sky.
Thanks to him, every first Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the month, gains diamond horses of the rainbow sky you own are doubled.
You will gain Secret Rainbow when you got all the other horses of the rainbow sky.
This horse can be sold.

thanks for posting this default smiley (b)

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so if I'm reading this correctly he doubles the rewards of your other rainbow divines for the first week of the month. If you have multiple Secret Rainbows do their rewards stack?
  • Posted messages: 7,883
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I understand very little about the new
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Legendary Divines and how they will come into the game
, but I sure am interested in the promo!
  • Posted messages: 4,141
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default smiley :o Oh Lupus! The banner didn't work. I am so sorry!
  • Posted messages: 4,141
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Also from the US server. Super exciting news about Secret Rainbow
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Secret Rainbow is one of the horses of the rainbow sky.
Thanks to him, every first Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the month, gains diamond horses of the rainbow sky you own are doubled.
You will gain Secret Rainbow when you got all the other horses of the rainbow sky.
This horse can be sold.

Hm. I'm not so sure that's his actual perk. I remember reading that on the french server the other day, and it was one of several speculations about SRs perks. I have not yet seen a screenshot of his actual perks so I'll remain skeptical default smiley :)

If you do not know french/translate all of the posts on the french server you might think that stuff that's only speculation is the real deal. Or just fake. Somebody got bored and started posting fake new divines a while ago lol. Complete with fake descriptions!

I'm going to assume the person who posted that on the US server simply translated the french post that I'm suspecting is just speculation.
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