About Me

Hey, I'm Naomi (xknomzx). I am 17 and loving being classed as an adult at last. I have dark long hair and hazel eyes. Currently standing at 5 ft 4" I am slim and happy.

Recently going through a stage of depression I have only just started coming back on the game.

I have 1 dog (Bandit) who is an amazing rascle and unfortunately although he is just 2 years old he has gone blind! 4 cats (Zig, Zag, Zog and Siyah), 3 rats (Amira, Sugar and Spice), 2 hamsters (Sooty & Kiki), 1 rabbit (Midnight), 5 gerbils (Benji & Jerry, Basil & Minty and Rambo) and fish. Not having a horse I do the next best thing, work with them, well too be exact shetland ponies and they certainately make life interesting!

I am a kind, gentle person who would happily chat all day so don't be afraid to chat or ask questions if needed =]


My Horses


My Friends and BP's


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas tristique cursus velit. Donec at nisi et augue aliquet rhoncus. Donec non tellus. Morbi dolor. Sed eros pede, tincidunt at, pellentesque sed, blandit ac, orci. Donec dui. Aliquam placerat rhoncus urna. Aliquam vel pede. Vestibulum malesuada condimentum lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque vitae nunc. Proin aliquet felis id orci posuere condimentum. Pellentesque feugiat. Praesent euismod. Vivamus lobortis. Quisque vitae nunc. Proin aliquet felis id orci posuere condimentum. Pellentesque feugiat. Praesent euismod. Vivamus lobortis.


15.08.2010 - Just started game again, any tips are very welcome!

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