~I am always on the hunt for Black Market Items and willing to trade~

~I am always, ALWAYS, in need of colored 2** tack and will trade an Aging Point for any piece you want to offer.~

~I use AutoComp and I usually play on the mobile version. Sorry if my horses are a problem in competitions. I can't see who is already entered on the Android version. ~


Adult player. Been playing this game on and off since 2007.

I'm just your average, everyday crazy woman who loves death metal, video games, and getting paid to watch TV for a living. I'm picking up this game again to help cure the dry spells at my job.

Wanna be friends? Awesome. Send a request. 8bfaf7be049bd4fa5e254020733fe354.png
I try to return Congratulations when I can. If I don't, sorry. 4f8bc8dff741273ca7c8ae63f8fb9e79.png I play this game on my phone most days, so I am limited on what I can or can't do sometimes.

***I am not selling Unicorn foals or offering private covers at this time.***
