Stallions at Stud
Stallions available for coverings are prefixed with a "0". All standing stallions are 100BLUP and have 6 bold skills.
Coverings are 300e each.
About Me
   Hello! My name is Captain Niobe, A.K.A. Niobe, CN, Capt, Captain, "Captain, My Captain" (as one notible friend called me), and just about any other combination you can think of!
   I am a 30 year old woman living in Brisbane, Australia. I absolutely love horses, in spite of my last ride ending with me going backside up when I misjudged the height of the horse when dismounting (Fat woman falling! Oh, noes - EARTHQUAKE! RUN! :D). But unfortunately, I haven't had the oppotunity to go riding since. *is sad*
   I enjoy what I call "HTML-ing" (which is making webpages in HTML - exactly what the presentation is made with), chatting to online friends, playing with and stroking my cat (everyone who sees him, wants him - I got lucky with this rescue kitty), writing stories and the occasional poem, at least attempting to make music on a VST, and generally being on my computer, when I'm not playing the odd X-Box game (currently, my X-Box addition is Need for Speed: Most Wanted... CrossCops rock! (And no, unless you've played NFSMW, you aren't going to know a CrossCop is Sergeant Cross and his two buddys, all in Corvettes, and all very hard to demolish - but worth 100,000 Bounty if you manage it!)).

   My main goal on Howrse is to just have fun. I collect Foundation stock, raise them to 100BLUP, then breed them and sell the offspring (most of the time). My bred stock is of good to high quality, and are ideal for second horses or for NIB breeding.
   I also have several personal projects underway, some of which are noted in the Prefix Legend box.
   I have recently joined Yankee Lady's "The Epona Stud Farm" project, or "TESF". I am a non-Foundation BLUPer. I am very proud to be taking part in such a wonderful Project. Feel free to read up on the Project if you like - TESF can always use a little more help!

   I am available to answer any questions you may have about the game. Just send me a PM, and I'll reply as soon as I can.
   If for some reason I am unable to answer your query, I will pass you onto someone who can, or direct you to the forums.
   But please note, while I'm more than happy to answer game questions, and sometimes chat, I do not accept unsolicited friendship requests, nor do I accept unsolicited covering requests (I will not, under any circumstances, accept a covering from a stallion that is not 100BLUP).

   Just a word of warning though. I am honestly sick to death of receiving PMs asking to buy my Foundation stock. So now, anyone who asks about buying my Foundation horses is added to my blacklist. I apologise for being so harsh, but three years of "DO NOT PM ME ASKING TO BY MY FOUNDATION HORSES" in red letters didn't work, I still kept getting PMs. So, this is the way it has to be.
   Unsolicited friend requests are not accepted. You're welcome to PM me and politely ask if you can be on my friends list, but be aware that, unless I know you, the answer will probably be no. (Note: "probably" doesn't mean "always".)
   I do not make layouts for players. In future, I will offer a selection of free pre-made templates for players, but until I do, the answer is a flat out no.
Useful Info & Links
  • vag111 - Trusted BLUPer. BLUPs for TESF. See page for pricing.
Mares available for coverings are prefixed with a "1". All broodmares are 100BLUP and have 6 bold skills.
Program: Foal-On-Order
Silverwood Lakes is offering custom-bred foals on request!
It's easy to do: Pick a mare that is prefixed with a 1; Pick a stallion that is prefixed with a 0; Send me a Private Message, indicating which pair you want a foal from; Sit back and wait for your new bundle of legs and fuzz to arrive!
Prices for requested foals are as follows:
1,000 Equus and 1 Pass for newborns; 1,000 Equus and 1 Pass, plus stud fee, for newborns (if I don't own the stallion); 1,500 Equus and 1 Pass for completed Foal Games; 1,500 Equus and 1 Pass, plus stud fee, for completed Foal Games (if I don't own the stallion). These prices are not negotiable.

As indicated by the pricing, you can have a "pre-gamed" foal if you so desire. I have the tools, method, and Equestrian Center to achieve the full 1.2 GP gain, and am willing to do it. Foal-Games commence in Spring, and can run through until Summer (depending on what the weather does).

Things you should know
GreenStars, Unicorns and Inbred stock are exempted from this program. If you do not know which horses are Inbred, please ask (no Inbreds at the moment, other than the GreenStars).
If you do not have a Pass, or cannot get one in time to buy your foal, do not ask me to breed you a foal. I spend a lot of passes on my Foundation stock, and as I don't sell them, I have no way to recoup my passes, other than selling the offspring for passes.
You must be able to access the Private Sales (3 Karma points + 2 living horses, OR have purchased a Business Key), or be within 14 days of accessing the Private Sales (76 days' registration) to order a foal. I am willing to hold onto the foal for up to 14 days for you, after which time, you must pick up your foal before the game automatically removes it from sale (30 days). Failure to collect the foal will result in the addition of your name to my blacklist.
I may at times offer foals to players at a discounted price. This is done purely at my discretion. Do not ask for a discounted foal; do not feel bad if I don't discount a foal for you.
Foal Waiting Lists
If your name is no longer here, your foal is ready to be picked up.
No one is currently waiting for a foal.
Livestock for Sale
   Please check my Horses for Sale tab to see the livestock I am currently selling.
   Alternately, you may view my Horses for Sale affix for any horses I have not placed in the sales.
   Note that any horse not in either of these two places is not currently being sold.
Other Projects
I will fill this section out soon.
Prefix Legend
0 - Standing stallions; 1 - Standing broodmares; 2 - 100BLUP geldings; 3 - 100BLUP horses not over 25, or awaiting Black Market items; 4 - Horses to be BLUPed next; 5 - Project: Silverwood Lakes Race Filler; 6 - Project: Silverwood Lakes Zero-GP; 7 - Horses which are not available to the public; 8 - Project: Project PassHorse; 9 - Horses originally bought to fill a rankings goal on the Achievements. With the Achievements no longer a part of the game, these horses are now in the process of being sorted, some will be kept, others will be BLUPed and resold.
Copyright © 2007-2010 Captain Niobe. All rights reserved.