Let me start off by introducing myself, I'm Horse Princess 123 or, as I'd prefer, Kate. No formality needed on this game, I started most accounts on the internet of which I called "kate" for my lack of creativity.
      Goodness, I've been on here long, much longer than this account as well. I created an account maybe a year after howrse started, then lost it for inactivity. I rejoined with this account, wish I could change the name, and I created a decent game.
      I've done many things, I've had my way around the game and I have at least dabbled in almost everything imaginable. GP racing, buying and reselling howrses, unicorns, skillers, HTML codding, layout making, making a way towards higher ranks, and simply just talking and chatting on the site.
      Despite the fact of being a multi-tasker, I never really set a hard goal of focusing on one thing and being the best at it. I have done GP, but I never really got into a breeding group where I was focused and dedicated.
Would I like to? I would absolutely love to, but I do enjoy having the liberty of coming on and getting off the game at my own free will and not being chained on to do things. However, don't be discouraged by that, I've sat here checking the private sales and fumbling around for six hours straight with getting a quick meal of course.
      Obviously I buy passes, and I have obviously bought a lot of them. They have, obviously, helped me get where I am, along with some intelligence and hard work, and I do have a lot of things because of them. But! I will not be giving you anything for free, nor will I be helping you. It slightly enrages me when people start to moan and whine over someone who has bought passes and has a higher ranking or better howrses because of it. Let me tell you, honey, just because they might have used real money to get a boost there's a lot of hard work behind it and you know what? Where do the passes come from? They come from real money that either they worked at their job to get or asked their parents who worked to get the money so their child can enjoy some luxuries. In under no circumstance do they deserve to be whined at because of this.
       To wrap this all up, I'm actually quite nice and I actually am very giving, just to those who do not beg or whine for it but to those who I feel deserve free things. I don't mind messages either, and I'm very approachable. I won't deny your messages asking to be friends or join your breeding group, but I also reserve the right to decline them. :)
I am in great need of reject horses! Any breed, anything, just reserve them for me. I will pay a max of 550. NO more. Also, please send a PM telling me there's a horse reserved.
Send the reservations in!

First "News" post here. I finally edited my profile, which was long overdue.

Nothing extraordinary to note, besides the fact that I'm becoming a little more active and might start taking layout requests again. Emphasis on "might".
      Before you ask, yes, I made this layout, and yes, I did the coding. In actuality, this was a layout I made for someone a long time ago which I felt, at the time because I was lazy, I might as well re-use since they moved on and it looked nice.
      I, at one point, did also make layouts for free. Most of which can be found on my deviant art, xxAstronomyxx. I would post a link but it makes this box too wide.
     Can I make you a layout? Not quite yet. I'm just too busy and too lazy. I also have to get used to a new photo editing software and I'm rusty on coding again.
     When I do start making them, they are free and trust me, I will post in a big red wording that I am making them again with an order form just slightly below it. It will also be in this category on my page.
     If you are absolutely dying for a layout, and you cannot wait, I'll add your name to a list and put you in top dibs on me making one. And who knows? I may randomly do it when I'm bored one day.
       I got a little lazy while editing my layout so I'll have to add some of my BMs up later.