
My Projects

In the past, I've had various NIB projects for Quarter Horses, Lusitanos, Barbs, Morgans, Chincoteague Ponies, Tennessee Walkers, and unicorns of most of those breeds. All of my projects are now in semi-permanent stasis thanks to the way foundation GP now works. I may continue to train the foundations I've already collected from time to time, but I won't be adding any with the new rolling GP to my herds.

b u y i n g

Foundation horses, unicorns, and ponies

Preferred Breeds: Quarter Horse, Barb, Chincoteague Pony, Connemara Pony, Purebred Spanish Horse, Lusitano, Morgan, Peruvian Paso, Tennessee Walker

Taking Affixed Horses: Yes

For more information, see my EC forum.

s e l l i n g

Horses: None

Ponies: None

Unicorns: None

Nothing else that isn't listed in the sales already.

I no longer rehome foundations. What's on my account is staying on my account. I'm serious boys and girls, nothing is for sale.


I am no longer active on this site. You may find me on Flight Rising instead under the username Jirazeil.

Thank you, Owlient. You have made it absolutely clear that you value money over your userbase and that all concerns will be ignored no matter how legitimate they may be. Thank you for making it clear that your promises mean nothing and you'll hold to them only so long as they're convenient for you. Thank you for making it clear to me that my money and time are better spent elsewhere.

To everyone else, I now consider this account in permanent stasis. I will continue to check in once a day or so, but my breeding projects are no longer viable thanks to the foundation change implemented as of October 22nd, 2015. My account will remain as is so that I have a reminder of the enjoyment I got out of this game for years.

I sincerely hope those of you reading this enjoy the site as much as I did. If you're interested in contacting me, messages will be answered, but may be slow. For those of you who were friends, you will be missed. Please feel free to look me up on Flight Rising if you're ever out that way.

My horses are NOT for sale under any circumstances. Please respect that and don't message me about them. There are plenty of similar ones in the sales that will suit your needs.

Short Version

o v e r v i e w

For those of you who are looking for specific information and don't feel like reading through the EC topics here's a quick overview of the most important bits.

1.) If it's not in the sales, don't ask.

2.) Messages containing threats or begging of any kind will be reported.

3.) Random friend requests will be rejected.

4.) I will buy foundation horses with a GP between 350.00 and 351.20

5.) My main breeds are Barbs, Quarter Horses, and Tennessee Walkers. Side projects include Chincoteague Ponies, Morgans, and Lusitanos.



p e r s o n a l

I'm an adult female. I adore horses, dogs, cats, and shiny or glowing objects, love my writing and roleplaying, and despise college dorms. I'm a bit, (read: a lot), obsessed with Star Wars, Harry Potter, Pokemon, various Disney films, and am currently on a vampire kick. (Not to be confused with a Twilight kick. I would, of course, love to kick Twilight, but that's not the same thing.) Professor Snape stays with me on weekends, and yes, he's every bit as snarky and nasty as you've been led to believe.

Don't touch his potions journals.

Other Things You Should Know

i m p o r t a n t

Before messaging me please consider the following:

I will not give you free items, horses, or equus for any reason.

I will not stop any behaviour just because it irritates or inconveniences you. This includes bidding and entering competitions

I do not want to hear about your orientation or religion and how everyone discriminates against you or how I should convert/agree with you or sign some form of petition. Messages with that sort of information will be deemed seriously inappropriate and forwarded to a moderator.

Chatspeak is lazy. If you cannot be bothered to make an effort at communicating in proper English, then I cannot be bothered to respond to you.

n o t e s

I do not sell, trade, or buy black market items. Please don't ask.
Professor Snape is responsible for his own comments.

Layout designed and coded by HYDEIST, please do not use or alter without permission.