I love dogs and horses.
At home, I got an Australian Shepherd, like the ones on the pics above<3 Also, I help out on the farm at home, where we have fjording horses and cows
Love animals
I started playing this game in 2011, and played with my friends fron elementary school. Then all of a sudden this year, I remembered the game, and started playing again this spring. Ofc I had forgot my password after all these years, so I started a new account. Also, I started this account on a international server, instead of the Norwegian one by mistake. But I found it way better to play on this server, because it is so many people playing here, therefore more social and fun!Here on the game, I breed Thoroughbred
(Also, I would like to warn you all against PFAS. It is really dangerous to us and the enviorment, and all use of the substance should be totally banned from the market!
Here is recommended reading about the topic in norwegian: 1:Norwegian health institute
2:Food regulating service in Norway
Also Lapis Lazuli post helpful links in their presentation, check them out!