Hi everyone! I’m Gondor or you can call me Rachel. I’m a college student and I love horses! I ride English but don’t do it very well. I am in many fandoms like LoTR, Dark Knight trilogy, MCU, Harry Potter and Star Wars. I’m always willing chat! Feel free to send a friend request!
Hello everyone! I’m Gondor and this is my second account! My last account, also Gondor, was roughly two years ago and I accumulated 400+ seniority. Unfortunately, it was lost due to inactivity. I am always willing to buy horses I gave away/sold from my last account to buy back. Please DM me if you happen to have one of my horses! Lastly, thank you to Ꮍꭺꮻꭲꮻꮇꭼ for the layout and profile! 

This time around, I am trying to challenge myself and get competitive! Always willing to try new teams! I’m concentrating on Pasos, and Nokis right now which are my current teams. Looking to join more in the future! —Hiatus
800th congrats wins a coupon for a cheaper-than-normal unicorn or BMI! I will DM you if I see you! If I don’t, screenshot and DM me!