Hello again!!

I have once again returned, this isn't my first time on Howrse. This is maybe my fourth account, maybe. There was a high school stint, and then a college stint, and then young(er) adult stint.... and now the fourth account, so yes four accounts. 

I am a 25 year old female, I currently work in the trucking industry and am going back to college to get that all important piece of paper. I live in the midwest and own four real horses, and two dogs. Currently I only have one of my horses at my house, and one of my mom's horses here. My other three are at my parents house quite a ways away. Adulthood... so fun. But hopefully the fence will go up this summer so I can get everybody to my house. I am a barrel racer on hiatus (again that whole adulthood thing), but started out in the western pleasure all around world. Please don't hold any of that against me, ha.

Typically in game I like to breed and sell horses. That probably won't change this time around. I hope to have some solid quarter horses, and some cheap sale horses ready to go soon. I'm somewhat of a horse trader, love me, hate me, it is what it is.

Happy Howrsing!!

TaylorG281 1/12/24