Accepting all friend requests for the events, do not hesitate to just send one ;)

Welcome on my Profile

About Me

My ingame name is Faruthea and I am a 25 year old german girl studying applied mathematics. I love to play Howrse, and I started playing on the german server many years ago.

My Goals

My goal for the international server is a chill gameplay with no ambitions for the rankings etc. I want to breed good horses without pressure and have a solid equestrian center.

Other Topics

I always like new friends and acccept all friend requests.
I also love messages, so don't hesitate to write! Some topics that I am really open to talk about are:
- Anime/Manga (Genres: Isekai, Adventure, Science, Drama)
- Harry Potter (I really love Snape)
- Maths (Analysis, Algebra, Graphs, ...)
- Programming Topics (Languages, Programming Games or Bots, ...)
- AI
- ...