Welcome to my Howrse page! 

I was once a long time member a number of years ago who has recently opened a new account. Things have changed, but I'm working my way back!

Howrse is a place I can live out my equestrian horse dreams; and possibly where I can plan and manifest the horses into reality. 

I have two of my own horses; Stadic, a 20 year old purebred Arabian horse, and Smiley, an 11 year old Ango-Arabian horse. Stadic is my pride and joy, my friend of 14 years. And Smiley is my newer friend of only about 2 years. He was a rescue horse who somehow found his way into my heart and we are working together to bring a new level of zen into his life.

Maybe I'll figure out how to add pictures to my profile... In the meantime, I love connecting with other horse people and for those of you with horses, please consider the Equilab App to track your rides and your horse's veterinary and farrier schedules! You can use code Ambassador for your free trial!

Happy Howrsing!