This layout is made by jsniper

I live on a dairy/farm on planet earth (I actually am not from venus!). I have 11 siblings (most of them are married off), one of which is HoneyCotton

I am ESFJ-a 4w5 461.

Random things I love:
1. Books. More on that after hobbies.
2. Teal.
3. Black.
4. Hearts.
5. Art of pretty much any kind, as long as it is clean and takes talent. Modern art does not count. I am terrible at creating art (though perhaps sometimes decent at poems?), but love admiring other people's.
6. Dark Academia.
7. Victorian style stuff.
8. Music. More on that after hobbies. 
9. Moths. I adore moths.
10. Dark fantasy
11. Fashion If you want to see my fashion, just ask for my pinterest. If you have one, I would love to see it. I absolutely love looking at people's pinterests.)
12. CHROME!!!!!!

1. Fiber Arts (I love knitting, dyeing, spinning, and needle felting. I specifically love dyeing and spinning).
2. Reading (again, more on that after hobbies).
3. Attempting various kinds of art (I am not being modest when I said that I am terrible at it).
4. Researching random fun things, like ancient civilizations.
5. Any typology I can get my hands on that makes sense. I adore typing every person that crosses my path. I have a good bit of opinions and theories on the whole thing. 

Of Music:
My favorite genres are: Classical, waltz, EDM, pop (specifically Russian and French. But I like some songs of different countries as well), and epic stuff (like Last of the Mohicans or Adiemus).

My favorite musical artists are:
Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, GIMS, Imagine Dragons (seems like everyone nowadays likes them. It's no wonder!), Santana.
I could mention some of my favorite songs, but a couple of the names are pretty long lol.

Of Books:
My favorite books include: Ivanhoe - Sir Walter Scott, The Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux (I listened to it on audiobook, now I must buy a copy!), The Satan Bug - Alistair MacLean, The Andromeda Strain - Michael Chrichton, and The Giza Powerplant - Christopher Dunn (I have an interest in science, though particularly chemistry, and theories about ancient civilizations. This book is fantastic food for thought).

Last read: The Endless Knot - Stephen Lawhead. I used to hate the series, so I read it again and liked it better.

Now reading
: I read several books at one time, all in different places of the house lol! Each book has their temporary domain. So here the current ones are.
 Traitor - Matthew Stover.

My favorite 

Welcome to my page! 

Rocky*! is hosting a giveaway! Check it out!
MOOMOO is hosting a giveaway! Check it out

This is my third account. On my last 2, I was Elleio477. They were deleted due to inactivity.

Please sign my guestbook. I will return the favor.

Take a look at my forum! I try to make it fun with forum games, since I also like forum games. 

I am just enjoying the whole game. I am disappointed at a lot of the changes over the years, though. 

I am looking for some 5th elements. Currently, all I have to trade is Philosopher's Stone, Equus, or several smaller BMIs. Let me know and we can discuss a trade 

My goals:
1. Ever since my first account, I have been wanting to collect all 5 elements. 
2. Produce my own line of decent Thoroughbreds (I am taking my time).
3. Collect cool horses lol.

I think I am going to start breeding shetlands. They were my main breed on my first account, so I am partial to them.

Yayyyyyyy!!! I got my first rainbow iris horse!! I was saving some helios rays that would be lovely with a rainbow horse just for that lol.

Some of my horses:

My weirdest horse (looks like a pink llama with a horn)

My favorite horse (possibly because she represents my favorite gemstone)

My coolest horse (I adore her coat. If you look up her name, you will see how well the coat and background match the gem she is named after. She is now technically my favorite horse, but I will keep Garnet in the above link lol)