I have four Button plaiting I will not be using PM to buy them

Hi, my name is Savanna and I have been playing this game probably since about 2009. I did delete my old account as I didn't have time for games anymore and honestly lost interest in more online horse games I played and deleted all of those accounts as well. 

While I may not be new, I am relearning everything and learning all the new things. If you have any tips feel free to PM me to help me out. 

I will be focusing on my EC, as I do remember that being a good money earner, I do also want to get into a team at some point with Standardbreds, Quarter Horses, and Vanners as they are my favorite breeds. 

I am a trophy collector, and want to be a Collector on here too. So those will be a fun thing
I will be doing on the side as well. I can't just stick with one thing. 

I am not super open to people adding me just usually people I get close with. But don't be afraid to start a conversation with me, would love some friends on here. Wish I could remember the usernames of the people I was friends with in the past. If you recognize the username and we use to be friends shoot me a PM made my user the same on purpose. 

Anyways, I think this is good for now.