Hello! I am Valient. I started Howrse just a few months ago, and I'd like to think that I've come far. I hope to one day have one of the best farms in the platform, but of course I'm in no rush to get there.

Friend Requests:
-I accept random requests at the moment(not that I have many friends)
-Feel free to just chat with me(actually, please do. I need more friends)
-If you're an experienced user, I'd love to have some tips!
-Please PM me if you think your horses aren't getting any wins because of mine. I would be delighted to know any of my horses are that good

My game:
-Common breeds:(12 or more mares) Finnish, Thoroughbred and Nokota
-Uncommon breeds:(4 or more mares)  Appaloosa, Argentinean Criollo, German Saddle Horse, Lusitano, Vanner, Arabian
-Rare breeds:(3 or less mares) Akhal-Teke, Friesian, Icelandic, KWPN, Marwari, Paint, Russian Don, Selle Français, Tennessee Walker, Shetland, Percheron, Shire, Peruvian Paso, Holsteiner
-Only purebred females of 20000+GP will be in Direct Sales
    -In Direct Sales, the price ranges from 5000e to 10000e, depending on the filly's characteristics
    -Price in Direct Sales are not negotiable
-Horses not already up for sale can still be sold if you PM me
     -Immortal horses are out of question, everything else can be considered
     -There is no guarantee I'll sell the horse to you if it wasn't already up in sales
     -No means no, please don't pester me
Blazing Stars: My 20000+GP Nokota(with the exception of Egret, my oldest Nokota mare)
Valiant Grace: My 23000+GP Thoroughbreds
The Lights: My 23000+GP Vanners
And Away We Go: My 21000+GP Finnish horses
A Little Bit Of Love: My 16000+GP German Saddle horses
-I only recently started paying my EC any attention
-Working on increasing the prestige of my competitions(please join them if you can)
-Also working on putting water troughs in all my boxes
-I don't really "collect" coats or breeds at the moment
     -I'm just looking to expand my horse farms
-If you happen to have a high GP purebred Finnish/Russian Don/Percheron/German Saddle horse, I'd love to buy him/her
-I have never been on a team before
-Realistically, I would need a lot of guidance to be a decent member of any team
-If you think I would make a good member though, I wouldn't mind giving it a try
-Recently, I've gotten my first unicorn! I've named her Lyle. Since then, I've gotten three more unicorn foals: a filly and two colts! I've named them Loire, Loris and Llyrik.
-I got my first 25000+GP foal, Astra, and she is now my highest skiller(32407)
-I also finally broke through the 21000-22000GP zone of my Nokota horses and now have a number of 23000+GP horses
-I used to cover my mares whenever I could, but I've decided that I have enough resources to Blup my mares first

-I am a minor(but don't avoid me or belittle me because of that. It's annoying, and my progress in this game came from my hardwork, just like everyone else. My age doesn't change the fact that I am a good player-- or at least, I hope I am)
-I love every single one of my fictional horses, which is why I don't have an AP farm. I take care of every horse, every day.
-I love reading, and I do roleplay on some websites(if you want to know more, feel free to message me!)
-I don't buy passes, and I don't sell my horses for passes either. Which is why I most likely will not be able to afford any of your horses if they are listed for passes

And yes, my username was misspelled on purpose :)