adult player
friend request welcome
rc/ga collector
last updated

binge watching: [...]

-slowly working on ec prestige

-will buy *any* horse for 500-2500e

-looking to have a male/female foundie of every breed, if you have any you are willing to sell feel free to dm me
-always looking for P. Stones [795]
-always looking for H. Blankets [793]

-always looking for P. Boxes
-always looking for H. Rays
-always looking for M. Arms
-always buying water troughs/showers
-always buying rc/ga coats
Ever Lasting Fjords ღ [Fjords]
Impαssε Wαlkεrs  [Walkers]
ꜱᴏɴɢʙɪʀᴅꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱɴᴀᴋᴇꜱ [Mustangs]
~New Found Peace~ [Knabs]

[181/1000] own 1000 immortals
[20/60] own female/male foundie of every breed
[33/59] own male/female uni of every breed
[6/60] own all breed coats of all breeds
any horses in the 'Other' tab are always for sale, feel free to dm me an offer on any horses in that tab, even if they are not listed in sales

***BMIs for sell***
dm for list