Breeding all ponies.

Shetlands: Trademark Shetlands
Fjords: Trademark Fjords
Quarter Ponies: Trademark Quarter Ponies
Welsh: Trademark Welsh
Highland Ponies: Trademark Highland Ponies
Kerry Bogs: Trademark Kerry Bogs
Connemaras: Trademark Connemaras
Haflingers: Trademark Haflingers
Divines: Trademark Divines

Fjords are temporarily located under the Trademark Shetlands Breeding Farm.
Welsh are temporarily located under the Trademark Quarter Ponies Breeding Farm.
Highland Ponies are temporarily located under the Trademark Kerry Bogs Breeding Farm.
Connemaras are temporarily located under the Trademark Haflingers Breeding Farm.

All other ponies are mine, I just don't have an affix or breeding farm for them yet.

I am open to selling lower GP ponies, especially ones that have their GP next to their name. Just message me and ask.