I'm a newbie with this game so I'm still learning a lot. But still if you need help with anything, hit me up! I'll try my best to help you. :) 
My breed affixes:
 ʄʀօʍ ɦɛʀǟ'ֆ My finnish horses
ɧɛʂɬıą'ʂ ℘ąıŋɬʂ My paint horses
ʄʀօʍ ɦɛֆȶɨǟ'ֆ ռɛʋɛʀʟǟռɖ My mustangs
ʄʀօʍ ɦɛֆȶɨǟ'ֆ ʋǟռ ʟɨʄɛ My gypsy vanners
ɧɛʂɬıą'ʂ All of my other breeds

Breeds I breed:
-Paint horse
-Gypsy vanner
-Finnish horse

What I've bred:

Please congratulate me, it'll help me a lot. :)