Hey, I’m a returning player, came back after a *decade* and am starting up again.  Missing my Foundies and the divines I got on my original account (RIP Rajah, you were supposed to be my immortal forever horse), but I’m having fun just starting over.

Some things are exactly the same after a decade (seriously, this website looks almost identical to some of my screenshots from college… and in a world of constant change, that’s comforting), and some things have wildly changed.  Like the mass inflation.  I feel like Captain America.  “I understood that reference.”

I’m an NIB breeder, and am just trying to get my footing in this new “rolling gains” world.  I feel like this change has massively undercut NIB breeding, as the Foundation GP has had almost 100 GP point gain in a month’s time.  Anyway, I am breeding whatever catches my fancy, so right now that’s Fjords, Arabians, Thoroughbreds, Lipizzans, Curlys, Appaloosas, Paints, Knabstruppers and Vanners.  If you have any Foundies or F1s you’d like to sell, hit me up, as long as the GP is within 1000 of current Foundation GP I’ll be interested.  If you are also an NIB breeder and would be interested in a cover or a foal from any of my NIB horses, let me know, I’d love to help!

I’ve also got some side-projects going on, including unicorn breeding (unfortunately not NIB), as well Draft breeding, both NIB and crossbreeding.  If you have a Foundation or F1 purebred Draft horse with covers left (ESPECIALLY Pastry foals), I am very much interested.  Don’t really know where I’m going with the crossbreed Drafts right now, for now I’m just collecting crossbred Drafts with covers left and BLUPing/skilling them while I figure it out.