My name is Mobius (like Sonic the Hedgehog's planet) and I am a 25 year old adult female player from the United States. I played a decade ago for quite a long time, though sadly that account was lost to the void of inactivity deletion. I felt like experiencing nostalgia and decided to rejoin despite the pain of losing an account with so.many.days. on it. I own an off-track Standardbred named Jughead in real life and we primarily ride English, specifically hunter/jumper and dressage... or at least that's the goal. Despite owning him and working with him for five years now he still can't canter for more than a few strides so we're limited on what we can do, haha. I love him, though. Not only do I love horses, but I also loves rabbits! I owned a dwarf bunny named Spike who was my everything, but he sadly passed away suddenly in the spring. He's with my first bunny Oreo now!

I spent around eight years in the music industry trying to become a professional drummer, but finally decided to call it quits after the pandemic started due to the rampant misogyny in my genre that was preventing me from breaking through. I will now be attending college starting in the fall with the hopes of getting a degree in film, television, and digital production. I aspire to be a cinematographer, though I also do acting and, if I'm being honest, that's the real dream, but I've learned in life that you have to have something else you enjoy to fall back on should the big dream not happen, haha. As you can probably guess, I love TV shows! My favorites are Jericho, Riverdale, and Sons of Anarchy. Though I'm not nearly as into movies as I am TV shows (attention span, what is that?), I love the Scream franchise among an array of other films. My favorite actors are Skeet Ulrich, Theo Rossi, and Neve Campbell. I'm always down to chat about TV shows and the like so feel free to message me if you're also down to chat about such things!

I dabble in quite a few hobbies. One of them is video gaming (browser and console mostly, though I do play the occasional non-browser PC game), with my favorite games being the Sonic series, Harvest Moon series, Pokemon series, Gallop Racer series, and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Another is reading. Gosh, I love to read! I go in spurts, though, where all I'll do is read then I'll go months without picking up a book. Some of my favorites are The Lincoln Lawyer series, The Hunger Games series, Phantom of the Opera, and the Archie and Sonic the Hedgehog comics! I enjoy doing art sometimes, though I'm such a perfectionist that half the time it's more stressful and frustrating than fun and relaxing, haha. I primarily use Ohuhu markers and Prismacolor pencils when I'm up to creating "art". My newest hobby is playing with slime. Yes, I'm one of those adults that not only loves to watch slime videos (as well as soap cutting, chalk crushing, and clay crushing) but also loves to play with slime. I actually only got into it recently, but I've found it really helps with my mental health and unwinding!
When I played years ago, I primarily roleplayed (keep reading if you're interested in that!), but this time around I'm determined to like... not just dabble in the horse side of things. Since I own a Standardbred in real life, it was a no brainer to work with them here, though in the future I would love to work with Ban'eis and possibly Thoroughbreds, too. Currently, I have one breeding program for Standies called Standardbreds of Anarchy. If it isn't obvious by the name, the program is themed after Sons of Anarchy, though I'm already starting to run out of names based off of the show, haha. I'm not competitive. I don't have the real life funds, the time, or the energy to try to be competitive, but I'm hoping to eventually get my lines to skiller levels. Purchasing some outside blood is definitely going to help in that pursuit! At the moment, there's nothing earth shattering to report on my project. Some horses might be for sale so feel free to ask, though don't be surprised if I say no. I do tend to get attached to these pixels even though I know I shouldn't!

If the mention of roleplaying up there caught your attention, you've scrolled to the right place! I love to roleplay, though I've been quite busy lately and with the emotional and mental struggles I've been going through I haven't been exactly... primed for writing. However, I'm definitely still interested in plotting and possibly sparking up roleplays with others! I've been roleplaying for around twelve years now and writing stories since I learned how so I like to consider myself a literate writer. I used to be able to write well over 1,000 words, but now I tend to be within the 400-800 range and I honestly don't mind one liners or short posts at all so long as I can work with it. I can write both male and female characters and I'm down for mxf, mxm, or fxf pairings. However, I've only written mxf until relatively recently so I'm inexperienced with other pairings. I tend to always want romance of some kind in my plots and anymore I mostly write humans, though a persuasive plot could convince me into writing horses or possibly even wolves or dogs. I don't enjoy sci-fi, high fantasy, or most supernatural plots. Modern tends to be my go-to, but certain historical settings also tickle my fancy at times. If RPing on site, I prefer forums (mine is fine!) so the RP won't be lost due to inactivity. I could possibly be talked into RPing on Discord, though I far prefer... not on Discord, haha. I have no limits save for the rules of the site, of course, and I also won't write cheating or affairs. Since I'm an adult, I'm not comfortable with writing with anyone under 18. PM me if you'd like to plot or have any questions! I don't bite and love to plot with people!
