
Welcome to My Page!

In my breeding farm, I specialize in breeding top of the line Lusitanos(Diligent Meadows Lusitanos), Gypsy Vanners(Diligent Meadows Vanners), Marwari(Diligent Meadows Marwari), Knabstruppers(Diligent Meadows Knabstruppers)and Thoroughbreds(Diligent Meadows Thoroughbreds).
*Most of my foals are available, so if you see anything you like, Shoot me a message and we will work out the details. :) I try to ensure that my foals are ready to be started before their sale. 
*If you have any studs that you are offering coverings for, shoot me a message for that as well. (As long as they are pure bred and the right breed with high GP and BLUP)
*Just want to chat? Shoot me a message for that too! :)

Diligent Meadows Lusitanos 

This Breeding program Stems down from my Prized Mare Aphrodite. All offspring have a Genetic potential higher than 20,000 and each are ready to start their training as well as becoming part of YOUR breeding program to give you as much success as their dam did me. My Most successful Program yet!! 
Diligent Meadows Vanners

This breeding program all began with Odyssey. Not as successful in the Genetic Potential area as Aphrodite Of Diligent Meadows Lusitanos but Just as important to the process of creating a successful Breeding Program.

Diligent Meadows Knabstruppers

This breeding program is the newest addition. With Knix being the first addition, hopefully of many, High hopes are in place for this Program!!

Diligent Meadows Thoroughbreds 

Though this breeding program may seem small at the moment, it is a work in progress. Every Breeding program needs to start somewhere, right?
