« About me »


I am not new to this game whatsoever. I started back in 2009 and ended up deleting my account back in 2015. After graduation, life got busy with work and college, but now that I've graduated (RN BSN), I figured it was as good as time as any to make a comeback!

I am a bookwork and am in the process of finishing up my very first book as an author! (if you like fantasy based books, the link will be posted once it's available on amazon.)

Aside from books and writing, I am an anime nerd - have been my whole life. So if I don't have my nose buried in a book, I'm probably catching up on the latest episodes of my favorite animes, whether its on tv or reading the manga. 

I'm a huge outdoorsy person - I grew up on a farm and one would say I have my own personal farm within my house.
(3 cats, 1 dog, 1 snake, & 1 bearded dragon)

Music? I love it all. My passion lies within edm and the yearly festivals that I love to attend.
The only thing I don't particularly love is Country music. 

I love travelling, and as far as 2024 travel plans go, I'll be heading to Japan!
If you've been, send me travel tips. I've even started learning Japanese, so I'm not left helpless over there (:

« The Horses »

• Hidden Leaf Fjords •‎ 
My main focus of breeding at the moment - with GP of over 22000. I breed "competively" with myself lol - always looking for someone to join me in expanding my farm!
I also breed Fjord Unis under the affix Konohagakure Unicorns.

• Hidden Cloud Elites •‎ 

• Hidden Stone Quarters •‎ 
A new venture of mine - I haven't gotten far with this farm yet!
Quarter Pony Uni's will also be bred under the Iwagakure Unicorns affix!

• Hidden Sand Arabians •‎ 
I will be expanding this farm as I see fit!
Arabian Unicorns will be bred under the affix Sunagakure Unicorns.

« Other »

I try to return all congratulations I see, thank you for your continued support! <3

I enjoy having conversations with those who share similar interests - I might get busy, but I'll reply to messages when able!

If a horse isn't under the For Sale tab, feel free to make an offer - no guarantee I'll accept, though! 

Nèftis. Layout for snowwhiteraver