Hey everyone! It's Neptune :)

For starters, I am a 19 year old female player from CANADA. I've been interested in Howrse over the years and have had a few accounts, all of which have been deleted due to inactivity.

I value my Standardbreds and thus try to breed for the ranks.

I am a casual player though and can only get so far so quick. Anyone is welcome to check out my *PUBLIC* Studs tab under Chariots and shoot me various offers on coverings. I usually always have horses for sale as well and can negotiate.

I am also BLUPing various breeds and am running an AP Farm. Don't ask for horses in the BLUP tab as those that I am wanting to sell will be available in the FOR SALE tab when I choose. However if for some reason you want one of my AP Farm horses, you are more than welcome to ask and propose an offer!

Please message me anytime as I like making new connections! Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by <3