~last updated: 11/13/23~

About me
my name is nouka, maybe not irl, but my game-name is nouka. I play at five(!) server. The dutch one, the German one, the international one, the UK one and the US one. My name on all servers is nouka, so easy find for the persons wanting to find me there!
I'm a dutch person, so if my english is bad at any point, my excuses!

Ap-farm set-up (need a bit of help maybe)
If you have horses, you don't want anymore (donkey/drafts without coverings, very low gp horses) message me I would love to buy them for a small prize. Let me know about what horses we are talking and let me know how much you want for them. I'm hoping this way I will be able to set up an ap-farm!

Searching for a nice team!
I search for a team that:
- is some small 'comunity'
- understands I can not be online everyday, but I will do the best I can
- won't require me to do a minimum BLUP every day/month/week, I mean, I can BLUP, just not that fast and efficient. (willing to learn tho)

Breed doesn't really matter to me, it would be nice to get at least one horse/pony to start with if i don't have one (that's high enough gp, or just dont have it at all). Plss dm me is you have a team that's requiting!

- Learn how to BLUP a horse efficiently not depending on the breed
- Get VIP
- Get a coat in-game (I've submitted, but they did not get in yet)

- Reached 500 passes for the first time! (11/29/23)


(ps. if you see any mistakes let me know)