"There is something about the gentle wisdom in a horse's eye that can put even the most troubled soul at peace."

Welcome to my page!

I am a "new" player. By "new," I mean that my account is new, but I used to play this game with my mom and grandma when I was younger!


About Me:

- Adult player

- College student, studying criminology and equine science (odd mix, I know!)

- Working with horses has been the most therapeutic thing I have ever done - and I was in therapy for 8 years!

- I'm a bit of a nerdy gal. I love D&D, video games (Dragon Age, Resident Evil, Divinity Original Sin, and many more), and reading. Other loves of mine are my wonderful cat, paranormal spooky stuff, and rock/metal music!


Breeding Projects

- Fjords

- Arabians

- A side project I've started is Quarabs. They are the cross of Arabians and Quarter Horses or Paint Horses. While not an official breed on Howrse, some of my favorite horses that I've worked with in real life are Quarabs!