Hi. I am not active consistently / am minimally active.
Adult player

My first horse ever, from my previous account, Luxa, which was deleted. 

What are the best divine series??
- The rainbow series
- The Egyptian Divines 

Best divines to own:

Lazy Profitability 

Longhorn Cow Profitability
1.   Six 25-acre meadows with Longhorn cows and feeding troughs will produce 214,500 leather every 30 days
2.     150 longhorn cows costs  37,500 equus
3.  If leather is sold back at 5g each, thats 1,072,500 equus every 30 days
4.  1,072,500 minus the initial cost of 37,500 is equal to 1,035, 000 NET profit

Shower profitability? 
1. Each shower cost 25k in iron materials, and sells for ~32k (estimation)
2.  that's a profit of 7k per shower (average)
3. So in a big workshop with 3 showers being made, that's 21k PROFIT
4. If you have four large workshops going, with three showers each, 
that's 84k NET profit in 5 days
5. If you were to do that for 30 days, you would get 504k total, less than half as much as leather