Hello friends!

I'm Potato. I'm a huge animal lover. I'm a western rider. Currently i don't study anything but i might apply to some schools this year or next year. My dream is having my own farm someday with cows, horses, dogs, cats, goats and ducks. Mostly i'm just killing time here and remembering the good old days when i could not wait for school to end  so i could play this game with my friends. Oh and i also have a rough collie. Let's call him G because his name is quite uncommon. He turns 2 in december. I don't want to tell my age here for everyone to see but let's say that i have a tiny bit of time before i get thrown out of foster care and have to do  something useful with my life lol. So yeah send me a message if you wanna talk or something. I'd love to meet new people.