I am a long time player, returned after a few years of total inactivity.  I've been playing for fifteen years, and am back to play casually, working towards some trophies and enjoying the contests.

Currently breeding  Ban'ei, Finnish, Arabian, Appaloosa, and Vanner. Things not in "The other horses" and "Retired Collections" tabs are generally for sale for the right price, so message me if you see something you like.  

If you are also a long-time player, here are some things about the old versions of the game that might trigger your memory of a forgotten time...

- In the veryy beginning, when there were a handful of light horse breeds, a few pony breeds, and that was that.  Breeds were drawn very differently, and there were only about three standard variations of drawings used for all breeds.  

- When Chincoteague Ponies and PSH's were released on the game, in the form of acorn UFO's.  I was absolutely amazed to have a Newfoundland with a paint coat, because that was what Chincos seemed to be to me. 

- The first green star horse!  It was a huge thing, having a horse with a green star.  Literally, one single green star.  

- Deworming and vaccinations - these made the business of keeping a horse alive infinitely more tricky.  It was a harrowing time.  

- No Nyx Pack, Poseidon's Pack, Helios Ray, Hera's Pack, Artemis Arrow, Ploutos Parchment, the list continues... there were divine tack items, but they were individually purchased and had names like Hephaestus' Horseshoes, Athena's Bridle (I think?) etc. 

- No companions, no trophies, and in the very beginning, no contests.  And then occasional contests. 

- Very few divine horses.  I remember winning Venus and later Mars and I think Snow?  And being intrigued while having no idea what to do with them!

If you have memories to share, send me a message!  Or if you just liked this little trip down memory lane, a friend request will do as well.