

I am always in search of Fox related golden apple skins, particularly if they are retired. Please let me know if you have one that you would like to sell and for what price. I specialize mostly in TB horses and can produce high GP TB's. I also have a good amount of Female TB Unicorns as well. 

About Me

Send me a friend request! I accept them all! I log in most days, even just to check in really quickly so any events that require friend support I fulfill as many as I can. I have a good amount of black market items saved up from over the years if you are looking for something specific to buy or trade, let me know! Currently I have been working on building my Equestrian Center, so let me know if you have any high level (20K+) horses that you want cheap 20e a night board for. I offer all extras and am currently working on getting showers into all of them as well.