[ dal . 20 . he/him . ENG/FRA ok! ]

hello! u can call me dal B^) i was on howrse forever ago between 2008-2010 but im pretty sure my account got terminated after not being active for a certain amount of time ;___; this was like, Basically my childhood on the internet so now im back n just playing for fun!!!

[ goals ]

priority #1 is dont spend money on this game bruhhh

currently focused on producing high GP bbs for certain breeds! mainly shetlands, appaloosas, marwaris and fjords ... also dabbling with friesians, connemeras and shires

giving all of my fully trained + blupped horses GA coats

i like jojo's bizarre adventure among other things!!!
feel free to check out my art accounts on twt (@kar0nhiake) and ig (@karonhiake) ^__^
