Hello! You can call me Jay 2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc_v1582021737.png


(W.I.P layout/avatar)

\/ Team information below \/————————————————————————————————————-

Hi, this is Sofi's Last Dream. This is a tribute team to a dog I knew that passed away in October 2022. 


The form to apply is


Have you been in previous teams before this?

Do you have any experience with Chincoteagues?

Do you know how to blup a Chincoteague?

Will you need a unicorn provided, or can you provide yourself with one?

Are you a VIP?


Members MUST have above 30 days of seniority, because most under that don't have access to reserved sales.

The requirements at the moment are at least 2 uni foals a month, and at least 1 blup a month, but the requirements are not required by VIPs.

RECRUITMENT IS OPEN! Message ʟᴀᴠᴇɴᴅᴇʀ to apply!







Rest in peace moonbin 4-19-23 

May the stars guide you wherever you may go a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582023526.png