a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.pngPaint Rangers Pet Shopa4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

Check out my horses under the Pet Shop Tab.
All of these horses have companions (pets)
These horses are ALL for sale.
 I will sell any of them for equus/passes for slightly less than the cheapest ones in sales.
I price my companion horses using rummingtons page  They have all of the companions listed with links to find them in sales so that I have a guide to use. 
If they are already for sale, I try to lower the price by 1-5k equus, or 10 passes every few days.
But feel free to make an offer on any as long as your offer is reasonable.
New horses with pets are always being added so check back often to see what's for sale!
I may even add bonus/customization items to the horses occasionally.

Thanks for stopping by!59f1c863dca1baa69838b4841ccd34b9.png
ryu compagnon-ryu.pngcompagnon-chat-off.pngcat
compagnon-monstre-3.pngkreaturcompagnon-shiba-inu.pngshiba inu
companion-armadillo-2.pngarmadilla compagnon-papillon.pngbutterfly
compagnon-ezoshika.pngezoshika compagnon-griffon.pnggriffin
compagnon-kaeru.pngkaeru compagnon-ara-ailes-vertes.pngmacaw
compagnon-singe.pngmonkey compagnon-phenix.pngphoenix
compagnon-lapin.pngrabbit compagnon-mouton.pngsheep
compagnon-ecureuil.pngsquirrel compagnon-zebre-off.pngzebra
companion-porc-epic-2.pngPuercoespínacompagnon-okuri-inu.pngokuri inu
compagnon-shika.pngShikacompagnon-singe-neige-off.pngsnow monkey
compagnon-grenouille.pngFrog companion-jaguar.pngJaguar
compagnon-tengu-off.pngTengu compagnon-skoll-hati.pngskoll & hati
compagnon-cat-sidhe-7.pngTiger Cat Sith compagnon-kangourou.pngKangaroo
compagnon-nekomata.pngNekomata compagnon-ours-off.pngbear
compagnon-chien-off.pngdog compagnon-kojika.pngKojika