Sagittarius Passage is currently recruiting, if you're interested in joining, send me a DM
We don't have any high requirements!

Always in search of tears, timers, nyx pax and MA's

Hello and welcome on my profile page (: I'm Eden, I'm a student from the Netherlands, currently 16 years old and planning on studying astronomy or marine biology after I've finished high school. I use he/they pronouns and identify as neoboy.

I'm a cat dad of two Norwegian forest cats. That can often drive me completely nuts. But I still love them regardless.

I'm a bookwurm, my fav book sequence is currently shades of magic. I'm also a big movie/tv shows fanatic. One of my fav shows/movies are Marvel, Mazerunner, The Witcher, Lost in Space and the Walking Dead. 

Besides that I also play guitar and piano and in the little free time that I have left I draw and paint. I also have a couple of tiny plants that keep me occupied once in a while. 

I accept all friend request, but I would like to get to know you if you do. I often send out random gifts to friends. 
I try to congratulate everyone back when I can. 
My dm's are always open for anyone. If you wanna vent/rant, have questions for me, or just a chat about something. My profile is a LGBTQ friendly zone, and I'm always willing to answer questions about that for you.
I'm also always willing to help new members get through their objectives and start up their game. If you need any help just send me a dm. 

Just wanna put out there that not everything is going 100% mentally. There is a chance I'll be offline for several days/weeks and cannot reply to dm's. Or just don't feel like it. Please respect this, I'll reply eventually. 

15-01-2022: 11111th in General Ranking.

I'm a returning player from around 2013-2016. I played on the Dutch server and bred Lusitano's with the 'rainbow team'. Unfortunately, when I returned in November 2021 I figured my account had been removed. Out of boredom I decided to restart. 

Currently breeding Tennessee Walker horses with my own team 'Sagittarius Passage' (ISO new members!) We strive for GP and skills to earn as much rosettes as possible and get a decent result in the Grandprix on Tueseday. Altough we're not that competitive. 

Besides breeding the Walkers actively, I breed Donkey's, Drafts and Lusitano's.

I'm always looking to collect apple coats. But it's not my main goal at the moment. 

I'm currently also saving up money to improve my Equestrian centers comfort as much as possible.

For the future I'm looking to breed a couple of high GP/skilled horses from different breeds to participate in the Grand Prix everyday and gain rosettes. 

You can always ask me if my horses are for sale. Rare colors, apples and high Tennessee Walkers that are not in the 'for sale' tab are most likely not for sale but you can always send me an offer.

I have an account on the Dutch server with the same username but I'm more active on this server^^