Welcome to Eastwood Estate!

So, I'm really not trying to play the game super competitively, I don't buy Passes or Equus, but I do tend to get caught up on breeding and trying to raise the outcome of my horse's skills. I want to be the best but then again, I just want to have fun! I'm on just about every day so if you're interested in any exchanges or even a horse you see in my Estate you are welcome to DM me!


-1 Water of Youth

-3 Pandoras boxes

-3 Pluto Parchments

-2 Archilles Heels

-1 Aphrodite's Tears

-1 Artemis Arrow

-3 Apollos lyre

-1 Vintage Apple

-1 Iris Coat

-6 Hypnos Blankets

-1 Medusa's Blood

-2 Bonus Packs