My goals are to have my own private thriving equestrian center and collect as many cool horses as I can. I enjoy collecting different coats and wanderer's spirits. If I get doubles on wanderer's spirits or other coats, I will put them up for sale. I am trying to collect all of the seven seas and environments wanderer's spirits which I am doing slowly but surely. I love being helpful so if there is anything I can do or if you have any questions, shoot me a chat! I am not always on here all day but I try to log in at least once every day.
Hi, I'm Mads and I used to play a while ago, back when I was younger and the horse coats on the vintage apple were just the normal coats lol! I am re learning this game so any new friends are very welcome. I started playing again as a distraction from exams I should be studying for in uni. I am an adult player in my 20s and I go by she/they and I hope that everyone feels loved and accepted. Just know, a horse doesn't care who or what you are or identify as, just as long as you are holding a carrot lol! I have horses in real life and train in English, specifically dressage and jumping, so this is a fun way to still be horse crazy when I am not at the barn taking care of my babies and the other horses I help care for. If anyone has real horse related questions or just want to chat, I am always eager to talk about my guys :)) I have two quarter horses named Remy and Kendall and a thoroughbred named Winnie. I also have two shelter dogs named Enid and Millie who my mom and I got as a pair from a litter of sick puppies. They are rambunctious little gremlins but they are so sweet. We think they look like berger picards but who knows XD
My horses on here are often named after references to things that I like, so if one of my pixel ponies makes you laugh or you get the reference, shoot me a chat :) I have a lot of fun collecting coats and picking out matching backgrounds for them and I often find inspiration when I see other people's horses with cool names and coats.