Hey all, I am Sinopsus, but when referring to me you are more than welcome to use Sino for short 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png. I am a returning player after not having played in around 7 years now I'd say. My old account was deleted due to inactivity so I'm here for a fresh start! To give an idea of how long I've been here with Howrse, my old account was created back when the foals had a completely different style! (I miss those older styles, not going to lie, maybe some day we can get an item for vintage coats that can be used on foals too!).

I am a very non competitive player, and I am only really focused on collections. I was previously trying to run a crossbreed project, but soon let it go as I do not have the motivation to competitively breed to try and reach high rankings. Now I am just a simple horse hoarder ce52790629679d930ca16c39a4f619c3.png

I am however the proud owner of ⋛⋋Brume D'été⋌⋚, whom was previously number one ranked for the Peruvian Paso breed. (His name is french for "Summer Haze") (Back in 2021)

Ranked 1533rd in General Ranking as of 10/26/23 

I am also a very friendly player, so feel free to shoot me a friend request or pm! I am not always actively looking so it may take a while but I promise to get to you! 

As far as horses go, absolutely none are ever for sale, unless they are listed for sale. Otherwise, please do not ask "How much for" or "Can I offer for" the answer is no, even on the seemingly "regular horses". I get attached very easily to these pixels of mine, and thus would like to hold onto each one that joins my breeding farm. 

If I have purchased a horse from you, of which you mistakenly placed in sales for the wrong price, I unfortunately will not return the horse. I have purchased said horse fairly through direct sales, and therefore now have the rights to do as I please, whether that is to keep or even resell said horse. (Rest assured though, I have yet to resell any "cheaply" bought horse, so they will usually stay in my breeding farm to be permanently cared for) 

I am an avid pass buyer, and do not mind supporting the games I love 50585be4e3159a71c874c590d2ba12ec.png

I try to return all congratulations, if I missed you feel free to remind me that I have, and I will be sure to get to you!