Hello everyone, my name is Hayley. I am an adult above the age of 18 so if you are younger, please talk to your parents first before contacting me.

 I figured I would tell you a little about myself. I was a competitive barrel racer in Florida and Georgia, but life got in the way and brought that to a halt. I used to own horses but during my rough patch in life, they ended up in someone else's ownership. I eventually plan to buy another horse in the next few years and begin training again so maybe one day I can compete. Thankfully my Fiancé has a horse that I get to ride whenever I want. Here is a little "FUN FACT" about me, I was known as hay225 on howrse back in 2007. I had a very high general ranking by the time I quit the game. I quit the game because once again, life got in the way, and I had no time for this. I thoroughly enjoy this game even though I am an adult. It gives me something to do in my free time. Finding free time is fairly difficult as an adult and especially when you have many hobbies. I ride motorcycles, I ride horses, I write, I am an artist, I game on xbox, I am working on my education and love spending time at car shows with my Fiancé. I have begun a career in insurance and look forward to my future with this field. 

Please check out my equestrian center!!!