Welcome to my page, I guess it's time to update my page a bit, I primarily want to focus on Friesians as they are my favorite horse. 

Secondary focus is going to be on breading high gp and skill competition horses that focus on best breeds for each type of competition.

I also focus allot on my EC and want to make it the best I can even if its small. If you want reserved boxes just pm me. I generally will add people who want to be friends.

I am an adult player and so Im not on all the time due to RL things like work, or when I'm at the ranch. Love anime, and have quite a few different hobbies and interests.

I am also down for conversation anytime and welcome any advice! d8183e948e6d05a3b3fc6e36a4b97d1a.png

Rosettes won so far : 8 (from horses raised myself)