Hi, I'm kewl! I'm an adult player (21) and used to play Howrse years ago and am deciding to get back into it. I do ride in real life. Pictured is my OTTB, Ethan (JC: Wild Ethan), who is 19yrs old and we compete in the .90m jumpers together! I also own three other horses, Lily (20yr old TB), Watson (18yr old WBx), and Frankie (3yr old mini) but Lil and Watt are retired and Frankie is just a fun pet :) 
I am currently in school studying to be a forensic pathologist, someone who does autopsies, so if anyone ever wants to chat about anything forensics or biology related, I am a super nerd about it! 


I am focusing my game on the lower overall GP breeds. Currently breeding Purebred Spanish Horses, Fjords, and Camargue ponies. I am always looking to buy high GP horses of those breeds and also would love to accept covers for my mares from higher GP stallions. Please just message me to work out a price! 
All my horses can be for sale, just send a message if you are interested. 


TBS: Breed a horse with at least 19500 GP
not currently focusing on breeding

PBS: Breed a horse with at least 18500 GP
currently focusing on breeding 
- Green Brier (17551.85) highest mare, trying to continue to breed 
- Bowmore (17831.88) highest stallion, going to breed when able to
**always looking to buy 18000+ GP mares and accepting 18500+ GP breeding offers**

FJORD: Breed a horse with 18500 GP
currently focused on breeding 
- Cayuga (18099.12) highest mare, not home bred, continuing to breed
- Eighty Proof (18112.86), highest stallion, will breed when able to

VANNER: Breed a horse with at least 19200 GP
not currently focusing on breeding

CAMARGUE: Breed a horse with 15000 GP
currently focusing on breeding
**always looking to buy 12000+ GP mares and accepting 14000+ GP breeding offerings from stallions**