ABOUT ME -- i'm a returning player (for the third time, hopefully i'll stay longer this time!), and an adult, so if you're a minor please don't message me about anything other than sales and other game related business (additionally, please ask you're parent's permission before doing so). that being said, i don't bite, so if you're an adult and would like to chat, don't hesitate to shoot me a message! my username, ec, and breeding farms are based on my favorite music artist: autoheart. i feel obliged to say that i have no affiliation with the band or their music (but i highly recommend checking them out).

MY GAME -- as of right now, i'll be buying passes off and on. my current goals are to breed all the coats of the breeds i currently own, and to build up my shire/shire unicorn collection. i'm also highly interested in growing a large collection of golden apple horses, but we'll see how that goes. i constantly change my horses names, but i like to have a theme going at all times. current theme: scientific names of animal species.
NOTICES -- i'm looking for the divine horse "Neptune," so if anyone would be willing to negotiate a deal with me, i'd love it if you would shoot me a pm! additionally, i'm interested in learning how to make layouts, so if someone is willing to teach me, i would greatly appreciate it! none of my golden apple horses are available for sale at the moment, but that might change in the future. feel free to make an offer on any other horses, but i reserve the right to decline.

OTHER -- layout created by skinny love. & avatar created by taz
(c) skinny love. | 2020