About me:

Hi! I am an adult player living in Texas. I work in an ER at a large hospital and trauma center. I am currently in college studying Biology and am applying to medical schools next year. I've been around horses my entire life, and I actually rescued a mare from slaughter in December 2020. She's the horse in my profile picture and I love her more than anythinga4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png

I used to play this game endlessly when I was younger and I decided to give it another shot during adulthood. I'm looking forward to making some new friends, feel free to message me!

My game:

At this point, I am focusing on breeding purebred horses of all breeds with high genetic potentials. When I advance further in the game I will have different breeding farms containing high quality foals and horses for sale. If you see a horse of mine that you like, then just message me. For the right price, I'll sell any of my horses.

I will try to return all congratulations received, but I have a busy lifestyle and may not be available at times. Thanks for checking out my page : )