Currently playing: Subnautica Below Zero
Currently watching: RPDR Season 16 (Go Nymphia Wind!) and RPDR AS 2
Currently reading: Wikipedia pages on dinosaurs

Hello, I'm Emily. I remember this game from when I was a kid (I'm an adult player!), so I'm not new. I'm just here to chill.
I'm more active on Tumblr than I am on here so if I ever go missing look for LambChop2xCombo
What else is there?  I have a job, I am interested in a variety of things (mostly nerd stuff [DnD, video games, comics, books, ect] but I also love baking, writing, coloring, golf, and hiking/backpacking), I'm always open to chat about anything.
My favorite color is blue.

I mostly breed Vanners, but I dabble in some other breeds, too.  I accept most friend requests and I try to return all the likes I get.  I hope you're having a nice day!