Hey there! I'm a member at Howrse. Please be my friend. I love Howrse. I hope you like it too. If any of you could please check out my equestrian center it might not be much but I need the money to make it better cause just because I have a lot doesn't mean it won't go by quick. I don't have an exact way of earning money ( I love my horses too much but sometimes I sell them, I hardly have any resources). If you have a way of earning money that's different please email me. Eventually I hope to have a selling/to sell breeding farm so that you guys can look at it and see if you want a certain horse. If you want a certain horse in the farm (which doesn't exist YET) then please email me also if there is a certain stallion you want to breed with also email me. As for if you want your stallion to breed with my mare just tell me ( you guessed it. In email.) and I'll give you the foal (if you want. I mean you just might want to see how a foal with that mare might look). Also if the horse that I'll be selling you and you want something on it like all of it's tack on then please email me and I'll think about it. Please tell me the price of the horse that you want (must be 500 or more) and it'll depend. Don't worry I take care of my horses very well ( I hope you do too!). And don't forget that if you need to ask me anything. Email me. I hope you have a wonderful Howrse day! Thanks!ced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c.png