Hello, like most of you had an old account when I was 12 but im 20 now and you know how that goes XD

I'm mainly looking to breed high skilled unicorns this time around. I'm a pretty fun person and I like to think I'm pretty friendly and connected with the human experience as well ^-^


  1. Sell you horses you want if I'm willing, just message me. 
  2. Reserve my covers for you, just message.
  3. Accept friend requests! Because everyone deserves a good friend in their life ^-^
  4. Talk to you on a bad day if I'm available and you need it ^-^
  5. Explain what humans are here to do on earth, if you are looking for answers. 

  1. Accept people being rude, judging, hurting feelings, ANYTHING of that matter.
  2. Accept you having a bad day!!

Thank you so much for you time if you read this and I hope you have a wonderfully spectacular human experience!