About Me

Hey everyone! I'm an adult, female, college student in the United States. I am in college to become a veterinarian, and I also ride horses and judge horses as well. I have 2 cats, 2 horses, and 1 dog of my own. I've been riding since I was very young. I'm an absolute nerd for Harry Potter, Marvel, books, Disney movies, among other things. I am a bull-headed Taurus along with being a Ravenclaw. Enjoy a photo of my mare, Diamond a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336.png                      XpDtPlMPlm4G0yx7s95zta00gOa8d1Bv9VWJK6Mg-nZDVRMAK9o3h03DWbwsbYJhd0HX_B4geeW80sPNw0CDUQ74C8GJm46vFqfq4O0xErk07dSfd73PmrG9qXbRLgS9Wf4dzP-fpR74EaKJIMVi2ws0_hBjshkbFZeoEcHw9s0jFMw1JM8V7ffqa6o4nXskubtZ_chtF42hvUsw21hJ-Z5GA4pQKAPXowNocFRgr0LrplV2Qo15a7ej4lJIIwglD83cWvxUiuFMWKZY5_COn0gH46Bfal4ANlMQkzh2ZH9IfsMSCiU0-AFX_BHGtMV0o4cub1rLF4BHDlmai16iRUWSNl4wJltEiqIhcpOpkhnLUUBnI7gBNBIjEJ-iarW4XbbsEUVKxvqDdRvrnzVhs_RLJ3H7MZh3WbezMWysKL8iHNDQ1IBUXSKl04s135praL4hCmhWxGo5ueafG3YMQUmp2lBRqEmW9nG1oxG3Rb-6byR5N68G6Wcp9_evJxzu-h5bYQZOIj9Ghl6l4YZ6l5sgesFhS46R-lkYyvrEwcSnMyK5_U24b2r9MMvNhuxJ2iECP63RhfGBv4vAwKrmNzi6bX9LyXKCw_W-TUGoUefAFpM6C0Q9jz_FTfZbswaruDPxArTPANPLx965nMg091u4PExiuIH4t1qKEFPbMSpNVRTRKh7LxkJO1orLOA=w151-h202-no?authuser=0

My Game Play

I joined Howrse under the username Shi n Buddy in 2010 or so. I played for 4-5 years, and when I entered high school I lost my account and never got back into the game, but, here I am now! I had well over hundreds of Golden Apple coats, as that is my main goal: collecting the coats I like! I plan to breed my horses to work them up and then GA them, just for my own personal collection. Eventually, I will begin purchasing unicorns and breeding them, but to collect GA coats for them too. I am always willing to trade BM items for GAs, normally higher level Performance or Breeding Items. Message me if you'd be willing to strike a deal.