Hey there! I'm an adult female player! After a few years of not playing, I've returned to Howrse on a new account due to quarantine boredom. 568c3842c2bcbdd03b18b49a3284e7d5.png

My current goals on the game, in order of importance

- Breed high quality, competitive Thoroughbreds

-High GP (18450+) and skills (Inborn 3000+)

-Obtain every TB coat COMPLETED 3/13 

-BLUP and compete

-Earn Rosettes

- BLUP and breed Shires and Donkeys

-Contribute high quality foals in the draft and donkey species

- Breed Quarter Horses

-Obtain every QH coat

-Breed Appaloosas

-Obtain every coat

See below or click on the Unbridled Potential tab to see some of my favorite horses along with my current projects. 

Lilah 18412.47
Whiskey Meyers
Call of the Wild